Dr. Friedman and Former Research Seminar Students Publish in Top Cyberpsychology Journal

Dr. Friedman and her first research seminar group published an article, released this month, on the effects of gender and emoticons on Facebook jealousy in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking: http://online.liebertpub.com/toc/cyber/18/2.

Ben Hudson took the lead on the article following graduation, collecting extra data and making the publication happen! He is currently applying to graduate schools. Second author, Sylis Nicolas, was brought onto the project from Hollins and just finished her Masters at Oakland University. The other seminar student co-authors include Molly Howser who received her Masters in Speech & Language Pathology from Radford University, Ian Robinson who is currently completing graduate work at VCU in the school of dentistry, Kristen Lipsett, who is currently working for United Health Group, and Laura Pope who received her Masters in I/O from Radford University. Current sophomore, Abby Hobby, who is studying abroad this semester, and helped with editing and a final round of data collection, rounds outs the student co-authors.

Publishing in a peer-reviewed journal takes dedication. These students completed some impressive work during their time at RC and continue to thrive. The department could not be more proud!
