Internships – Kelsey Reedy

10606285_10152741012666147_7036854128929415659_nInternships in the Department Kelsey Reedy ’15 at West End Center


“I did an internship this summer at the West End Center, and it was a fantastic experience. At the time, I was a rising senior. For the first month, Roanoke City Schools were still in session and their summer program hadn’t started yet, so from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. I supervised children grades K-5th, helped with homework, tutored, and mentored them in the West End Center’s after school program. I also assisted other staff members with various extra-curricular activities and problem solving.  When the schools let out for summer, the West End Center’s summer program began. Then, my responsibilities included again supervising, tutoring, and mentoring the kids, but I also had the opportunity to teach the PeaceBuilders program, where I taught to 3 separate classes with approximately 20 students in each class. I created three separate lesson plans about building peace education and non-violent conflict resolution, based on the children’s age range.

All in all, it was one of the most rewarding and future determining experiences I’ve ever had. Through this internship I gained not only immense experience, but also a love for the West End Center. I still volunteer with them today, and I encourage anyone who has the opportunity to give it a try!”

– Kelsey Reedy