Now Accepting Applications:
CFI Internship Opportunities
for Summer 2016
Each year, CFI provides opportunities for students to get more involved with the freethought movement by offering student internships and volunteer opportunities at CFI locations across North America. The following are the internship positions for summer 2016.
CFI Outreach Internships
Two positions available at CFI–Transnational in Amherst, NY
Last summer, Peter Wood of the Secular Student Alliance at Florida State University and Zach Ashton of the Secular Student Alliance at George Mason University joined the Outreach Department at CFI–Transnational, gaining valuable organizing and event management experience.
Now it’s your turn. We’re looking for two students to intern at CFI–Transnational in Amherst, NY this summer.
• Stipend: $200/week
• Dates: May 23—July 29 (flexible)
• Must be a U.S. citizen or legally authorized to work in the United States
Applicants should be:The interns will be trained in campus outreach, grassroots organizing, event planning and management, and other skills useful in nonprofit advocacy. Specific projects depend on the interns’ interests and experience but may include: developing new online campus organizing resources, producing audio and video materials, and designing new CFI On Campus promotional materials.
• Enthusiastic about freethought, humanism, and skepticism
• Able to work both individually and collaboratively
• Willing to follow instructions and accept constructive criticism
• Eager to contribute to CFI Outreach and advance its mission
To apply for an internship, please send a resume tooncampus@centerforinquiry.net and provide the following additional information:
• Statement of your academic and other interests.
• What are your activities with the skeptic/freethought movements?
• Why is interning at the Center for Inquiry something you want to do?
• What is your level of proficiency with Microsoft Word and Excel or comparable software?
• What is your level of proficiency with Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign?
• Do you have experience with basic html and design?
• What skills and interests do you wish to develop during the internship?
Application Deadline: Thursday, March 31
Please contact CFI Outreach by email or at (716) 636-4869 ext. 402 if you have any questions about these internship positions. This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about outreach and advocacy, develop new skills, and gain grassroots organizing experience while contributing to the overall growth of the freethought community and strengthening your relationship with CFI! We hope you consider joining us this summer.
CFI–Michigan Internships
These are all on-site internships. Applicants must live within driving distance of our office in Grand Rapids, MI.
Publicity Coordinator Internship
Non-Profit Management Internship
Non-Profit Event Planning Internship
Volunteer Coordinator Internship
Video Production Internship
Custom Internships: CFI–Michigan is willing to structure a customized internship for interested students to meet their program requirements, even if no internship openings are posted. To inquire about a custom internship please send a letter of interest and resume to the email address below. We will contact you once we assess if we can facilitate an internship that meets your internship goals/requirements and our current program needs.
How to Apply for an Internship at CFI–Michigan
To be considered for an internship please submit:
• Your resume
• A letter of interest outlining your internship goals, program requirements, and why you’d like to do an internship at CFI–Michigan
• At least two samples of your writing skills. (PDFs or web links are preferred. We will also accept files from Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite programs.)
• Applicants may also submit samples of graphic design, web development, photography or videography work (if applicable)
• Any additional materials requested for specific internships—see descriptions above for details
Submit application by email to michigan@centerforinquiry.net. Questions? Contact Jennifer Beahan, Assistant Director, by email or call (616) 706-2029.
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Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website: http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology