Looking for a job? On May 4th the Virginia Institute of Autism (formerly known as Blue Ridge Autism and Achievement Center) is hosting a job fair, with open positions as a Behavior Tech, Special Ed Teacher, and Job Coach!
Looking for a job? On May 4th the Virginia Institute of Autism (formerly known as Blue Ridge Autism and Achievement Center) is hosting a job fair, with open positions as a Behavior Tech, Special Ed Teacher, and Job Coach!
Huge congratulations to senior Kristi Rolf who successfully defended her Honors in Psychology project on April 26th!
Kristi’s project was titled Sense of Purpose in College Students: Connections with Support and Descriptions of Purpose Development. During the defense, her advisor Dr. Findley Van Nostrand was joined by committee members Dr. Powell and Professor Chapman of the Modern Languages Department.
Kristi will be graduating with honors on May 6th 2023. Congratulations Kristi!
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Huge congratulations to senior Skyler Pokorny who successfully defended her honors project on Wednesday April 26th!
Skyler’s project was titled Experimental Manipulation of Self-Concept Clarity in Emerging Adults. During the defense, Skyler’s project advisor Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand was joined by committee members Dr. Allen and Dr. Berenson of the Religion and Philosophy department .
Skyler will be graduating with honors on May 6th, 2023. Congratulations Skyler!
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It’s been a busy year as usual for RC Psych! On Thursday April 20th, the Psychology Department took over the first floor of Fintel Library for the Spring 2023 poster session! Students, faculty, and staff from across campus gathered to hear psychology students present their research and experiential learning experiences.
Scroll on for photos from the day and visit us on social media to congratulate our hard-working students!
It’s been a great year of research and experiential learning for RC Psych! We can’t wait to see how these students apply their skills in the future.
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