Category Archives: Events

Graduate Studies Information Sessions!

The Roanoke College Psychology Department is excited to share a series of upcoming graduate school information sessions! These sessions offer insight into various programs and help guide you in your future educational endeavors. Check out the details below, sorted by date, and explore the opportunities that best fit your interests!

Upcoming Information Sessions:

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Time: 5:00-6:30 PM
School: Western Carolina University
Program(s) of Focus: Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
Registration Link:

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Time: 5:00-6:00 PM
School: Loyola University Maryland
Program(s) of Focus: Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)
Registration Link:

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
School: University of Virginia
Program(s) of Focus: Ph.D. in Clinical and School Psychology
Registration Link:

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 12:00-1:00 PM
School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Program(s) of Focus: Master(s) of Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling (CRC)
Registration Link:

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 7:00-8:00 PM
School: James Madison University
Program(s) of Focus: School Psychology Master’s and Educational Specialist Program
Registration Link:

Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Time: 6:00-7:00 PM
School: James Madison University
Program(s) of Focus: Counseling and Supervision Ph.D. Program
Registration Link:

Friday, October 25, 2024
Time: 12:00-1:00 PM
School: George Mason University
Program(s) of Focus: Counseling Graduate Program
Registration Link:

Monday, October 28, 2024
Time: 3:00-4:00 PM
School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Program(s) of Focus: Master(s) of Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling (CRC)
Registration Link:

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
School: Loyola University Maryland
Program(s) of Focus: Clinical Professional Counseling
Registration Link:

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
School: University of Virginia
Program(s) of Focus: PhD in Clinical & School Psychology
Registration Link:

Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Time: 5:00-6:00 PM
School: Loyola University Maryland
Program(s) of Focus: Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)
Registration Link:

Friday, November 8, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
School: George Mason University
Program(s) of Focus: Master of Professional Studies, Applied Industrial and Organizational Psychology (online degree)
Registration Link:

Monday, November 11, 2024
Time: 12:00-1:00 PM
School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Program(s) of Focus: Master(s) of Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling (CRC)
Registration Link:

Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Time: 4:00-5:00 PM
School: Harvard Medical School
Program(s) of Focus: Neuroscience Post-Baccalaureate Program (PiNBAC)
Registration Link:

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Time: 7:00-8:00 PM
School: George Mason University
Program(s) of Focus: Counseling Graduate Program
Registration Link:

Monday, November 25, 2024
Time: 4:00-5:00 PM
School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Program(s) of Focus: Master(s) of Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling (CRC)
Registration Link:

Thursday, December 5, 2024
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
School: Loyola University Maryland
Program(s) of Focus: MS Clinical Professional Counseling
Registration Link:

Take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about your future graduate school options! Best of luck!

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A Summary of Last Week’s Faculty Panel on Graduate School Programs

Making the decision to go to graduate school is a big one. It requires a great deal of research and reflection to ensure you are making the best decision for yourself and your future. On Wednesday, October 25th, Dr. Carter led a faculty panel to discuss grad school and provide tips and advice for prospective applicants. If you weren’t able to attend the panel, please review the following notes if you think they could be of interest to you!

Dr. Daniel Nasrallah is an assistant professor in the Chemistry department here at Roanoke College. He applied to 11 schools nationwide and was accepted to four of them, eventually landing himself to earn a PhD from the University of Michigan. He chose the University of Michigan over other schools because there were five faculty that he was interested in working with. It is extremely important to research faculty at the schools you are looking at, because if there isn’t at least a couple that you would be happy working with, that school might not be right for you. To kick off your grad school search, he recommended researching the top 10 programs in your desired field, and then reaching out to undergraduate faculty and current graduate students in those programs to get more insight. Dr. Nasrallah suggested knowing what your end goals are, and keeping your motivations in sight throughout your time in school. He also found it important to note the differences between graduate school and medical school—in terms of money—when making your decision. Medical school acquires debt, whereas he was offered a stipend through agreeing to teach throughout his time at the University of Michigan.

Dr. Wen Bu, who went to law school and practiced as a lawyer before going back to get her PhD at the University of Minnesota, offered tips on transitioning from being a successful student to balancing coursework and producing research. Dr. Bu is now an assistant professor in the psychology department. In graduate school it is equally important to avidly complete coursework and to complete meaningful research. She also discussed the differences between a terminal master’s degree and a PhD. If you are applying for a PhD program, some schools will allow you to earn an MA on the way, and others won’t. This is important to consider because if you were to drop out after, say, 3 years, at some schools, you can leave with an MA, and at others, you would leave with no degree.

Dr. Matthew Trumbo-Tual, from the Roanoke College modern language department, earned a PhD at the University of Virginia. He provided advice for graduate school applicants interested more specifically in the humanities. He suggested taking advice from your Roanoke faculty, but also remembering that graduate school is ever-changing, meaning do your own research in addition to considering the experience of past grad school students. He also recommended getting work experience outside of academia before applying for a PhD, as this is the path that he followed. This allowed him to not feel “stuck” at any point in the process, and he knew he would have options down the line, if grad school didn’t work out, or if his goals changed. A final remark spoke to being intentional in each step of the grad school process – know why you want to be there and make progress that gets you closer to your goals.

Finally, Dr. Wale Sekoni works in the computer science department at Roanoke College. He earned a PhD from the University of Wyoming and suggested prospective applicants find someone they want to work with and be flexible with their goals. He also mentioned the importance of putting thought into your application and having strong letters of recommendation. Many of the other panelists also supported the idea that strong letters of recommendation make a big difference, so make use of your time with professionals you meet throughout your time prior to graduate school.

Overall, the panel offered insight on how to stand out in your grad school applications. In the humanities, being knowledgeable in multiple languages can help you stand out. For chemistry applicants, published work and research experience can help you stand out, as well as having strong and specific letters of recommendation. For law school, undergraduate GPA, LSAT scores, and letters of recommendation are very important.

No matter what field you are looking to pursue, doing your research and being aware of all the details of the graduate school process can help you make the best decision for yourself and your future. If you have further questions or would like to discuss any these panelists experiences with them, please find their contact information on the Roanoke College website.

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Midterm Stress Relief

Are you feeling the pressure of midterms week on the Roanoke College campus? Don’t worry, you are not alone! In this blog post, we will look at some of the resources available on campus to help manage stress and make midterms week a bit more bearable. Midterm week can be a stressful time for college students, but it doesn’t have to be. With the help of Roanoke College’s campus resources, students can practice self-care and find strategies to manage their stress levels during this hectic time. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, read on to find out how you can make midterms week a little less stressful.

Make your best efforts to adhere to the following reminders:

  • Manage your time! Whether this be in consideration of course work, exercise, sleep, mental health needs, etc., make a plan of when you’re going to set aside time for each of these to-dos and stick to your schedule!
  • Learn to say no! Manage your expectations for yourself and learn to prioritize certain needs/responsibilities over others.
  • Get quality sleep!  We know that sleep is beneficial for our mental and physical wellbeing. Make it a priority this week in order to be a better version of yourself. You, and others, will be happier if you do this!
  • Take breaks! Studying for hours on end can become ineffective at a certain rate. Take 5-15-minute breaks when you start to catch yourself dozing off or not entirely focused on the material. Get some fresh air, go on a short walk, grab a healthy snack, chat with a friend and take a deep breath… it’s almost fall break!

Below is a schedule of events/activities being hosted on campus within the next week. While you’re creating a schedule for yourself, block out some time to attend at least 1 of the following events. Your brain and body will be glad that you did!


Out of the Darkness Walk – A community walk to raise awareness and funding for suicide prevention and mental health awareness. Check-in is at 9:00am and the opening ceremony begins at 10:00am.

Register here:


4:00-5:00 – Cycle Jam (Alumni 211)


4:45-5:45 – Spin Class (Alumni 211)

7:30-8:30 – Line Dance (Bast 109)

  • Learned and review a variety of line dance songs.


12:00-2:00 – Pickleball with students, faculty and staff (Bast Gym)

  • No equipment needed!

4:30-5:15 – Meditation Sound Bath Session #1 (Colket Center Ballroom)

  • Listening to music helps you relax and release stress.
  • Sign Up at the Info Desk

5:00-6:00 – Body Pump (Bast 109)

  • Total body workout class using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition.

5:30-6:15 – Meditation Sound Bath Session #2 (Colket Center Ballroom)

  • Listening to music helps you relax and release stress.
  • Sign Up at the Info Desk

6:15-7:15 – Lower Body Sculpt (Bast 109)

  • Focuses on movements that target and strengthen the muscles in and around your legs/glutes.
  • Some cardio involved.

7:30-8:15 – Mindfulness Meditation and Stretching (Bast 109)

  • Guides you through breathing and meditational exercises.
  • Relieves mental stress and improves concentration.
  • Involves gentle yoga, stretching and more!


4:45-5:45 – Kickboxing (Bast 109)

  • Cardio style class using kickboxing techniques to have a good workout.


12:00-2:00 – Pickleball with students, faculty and staff (Bast Gym)

  • No equipment needed!

4:45-5:45 – Body Pump (Bast 109)

  • Total body workout class using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition.

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Virtual APA Psychology Graduate School Fair

The APA Education Directorate is pleased to announce that the first Virtual APA Psychology Graduate School Fair is happening on Thursday, November 2nd from noon-6pm (Eastern)! Registration for all prospective psychology graduate students is FREE, and psychology graduate programs that wish to recruit at this event can register for a modest fee.

The goal of the APA Psychology Graduate School Fair is to virtually connect graduate psychology programs with a diverse group of students, including current undergraduates, graduate students seeking to further their education beyond their current degree, and individuals returning for their graduate education. The APA Psychology Graduate School Fair is open to all graduate psychology degree (MA/MS/PsyD/PhD/EdD/Other) granting institutions in the U.S. and Canada, and all areas of psychology are encouraged to participate, including health service psychology, scientific and applied psychology, and general psychology programs.

Students who register will have the opportunity to meet virtually with recruiters from any of the participating programs. Individuals can come for a short time and meet with a select few recruiters or stay for the whole event and meet with everyone, depending on their schedule and interest. To learn more and to register for the event, visit


The Nutshell Games!

On Tuesday April 11th, three students from Dr. Kennedy-Metz’s psychophysiology research seminar went head-to-head in The Nutshell Games. Students had 90 second to communicate their current research project “in a nutshell” to a diverse audience of students and faculty from a variety of disciplines.

Morgan Micallef ’23

Undergraduate research is a key part of the Psychology Department’s mission. Every psychology major will conduct research in their senior seminar and more than 1 in 3 students are involved in a research lab each year.

Dr. Kennedy-Metz had a mission to teach her seminar students the importance of science communication through a fun and challenging lesson. I spoke with her about how the nutshell games came to be.

“I’ve always felt that the more high-profile (and potentially impactful) someone’s research becomes, the worse they are at communicating why it’s so important to the world.  Science communication is an essential skill that often doesn’t come naturally to us, and, to make matters worse, is chronically under-trained.  So, I felt a responsibility to emphasize the importance of science communication to students at an early stage in their career. ”

“I invited Dr. Patty Raun, Director of Virginia Tech’s Center for Communicating Science, to lead an improv day in my Research Seminar class, encouraging students to step outside of their comfort zone, embrace vulnerability, and communicate freely and meaningfully.”

Devin Brown ’23

“The goal of the subsequent Nutshell Games competition was for students to put this training to the test, and see how well they could communicate their semester-long projects in succinct, accessible terms to a non-specialist audience.  They had 90 seconds to share their research and convey its importance to the larger community, all while being judged by staff and faculty from 5+ departments across campus (including Chemistry, Psychology, Fine Arts, Music, Public Health, and Health and Human Performance).”

 Winning speaker AJ Palmer ’23 (center) is joined by team members Zoë Dunlap ’23 (left) and Allyson Herriges ’23 (right)

Dr. Kennedy-Metz invited students, faculty, and staff from a variety of backgrounds to simulate the real-world challenge of communicating science to people from a variety of backgrounds.

“One of my goals in gathering such a diverse group of staff and faculty was to showcase how difficult it is to distill a body of work and still communicate it effectively to audience members with such diverse backgrounds, along with the relevance and importance of doing so.  In the future, I hope to expand the scope of the Nutshell Games at Roanoke College to include competitors from across departments.”

We can’t wait to see how this competition grows in future years!

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Psych Students at President’s Ball 2023

On Saturday March 18th, Roanoke College students, faculty, and staff gathered at the Cregger Center for the annual President’s Ball. The college community had a blast dressing up and dancing. This year’s event was notable as the first President’s Ball during the term of President Frank Shushok.

Many psychology students were spotted enjoying the evening. Enjoy these pictures of #PsychRC at Roanoke’s biggest night of the year!

Allyson Herriges ’23 (left)
Maryam Nishtar ’23 (second from right)
Megan onofrei ’24 (front row, second from left)
Sophia Contini ’24 (middle)
Timothy Hoffstaetter ’24 (second from left)
Kristi Rolf ’23 (left)

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Psychology Department Poster Session

Come have some pizza and hear about the latest research and internships conducted by psychology students in the Library on December 8th from 12-1 pm!

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Black Student Alliance Presents Faculty/Staff vs. Students Basketball Tournament

Tonight – Friday, September 23, at 7:00p, the Black Student Alliance is hosting a Faculty/Staff vs Students Basketball game in Bast Gym. Dr. Nichols, chair of the Psychology Department, will be playing (loosely defined). It would be great to see support from the Psychology department for all participants!

Black Student Alliance presents Faculty/Staff vs Students Basketball Tournament
7:00 p.m.
Bast Center, Gym

Let’s boost our school spirit and morale as faculty and staff take on students in a basketball tournament!

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Pie-a-Prof is back!

Pie-A-Professor is back! Roanoke College Psychology student organizations are proud to present PIE-A-PROF 2022.

On Monday, April 25th, stop by the front patio of Colket to take part in this annual fundraiser. As usual, the proceeds from this event will go to the Bradley Free Clinic Behavioral Health Services.

You can use this link or scan the QR code pictured above to purchase a pie for only $3.00!

This event will be from 4:00PM to 5:00PM. We hope to see you stop by!




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Phi Beta Kappa News

Congratulations to all Roanoke College students who have been elected into Phi Beta Kappa during their undergrad years. PBK recognized and celebrates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and championed freedom of thought. As America’s most prestigious academic honor society, PBK is uniquely equipped to advocate for the value and benefits of liberal arts and sciences education.

This semester, Roanoke College held its election for new junior and senior members, and the Psychology Department is happy to report that the following Psych majors were elected:

Alice Chandler 
Maya Lamprinakos
Carey Linkous
Angela Ross
Anne Schoelkopf

We are so proud of the students above and of the additional Psychology majors that have been elected in prior semesters. You are all doing a great job at representing your college and our department. Thank you!

Congratulation PNG Transparent Images | PNG All

We look forward to celebrating with you at the formal initiation ceremony, which will take place at 2:30pm in Antrim Chapel on Friday, May 6th, 2022. If you are a student recently elected into PBK, please check your email for a link to RSVP for the initiation ceremony.




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Job/Internship Fair

Are you currently searching, or are interested in learning more about a job or internship?

If so, then make sure to come out to the Job and Internship fair, hosted by the PLACE. This event will occur tomorrow, Tuesday, March 1st, from 4:30pm – 6:30pm in the Wortmann Ballroom.  

All students are encouraged to attend.  Professional dress is NOT required as we realize that some students may be coming from class, lab or practice. There will be over 30 prospective employers and internship supervisors on campus and ready to answer questions.  Some businesses will have internships open each semester, so even students not looking for an immediate placement can still come and explore. 

If you have questions, or would like more details, please feel free to visit the PLACE’s website:

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psychology Poster session fall 2021

The Roanoke College Psychology Department hosted our biannual poster session in Fintel Library in December of 2021. This event occurs at the end of every semester to allow students within the psychology department to present on their class projects, independent studies, and completed internship experiences.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and to those who presented. The department is proud of your hard work and grateful to have dedicated students representing Roanoke College Psychology!

Faculty and students got the opportunity to learn about the semester-long research conducted by psychology students.

Congratulations to the presenters on their hard work and success!

Researchers discussed future directions and presentations for their work.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and to those who presented! Congratulations on another successful semester!




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UNC Clinical Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling Program

The Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health (CRMH) Counseling department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has extended an invitation to students who may be interested in pursuing a degree in counseling to come to one of their upcoming Information Sessions on the following dates:

Wednesday 11/17 12:00 pm-1:00 pm ET
Monday 12/16 11:30am-12:30pm ET
Tuesday 01/11 12:00 pm-1:00pm ET
Friday 02/11 4:00pm-5:00pm ET

In addition to their website, which can be found here, the Information Sessions are a good way to find out more about the CRMH program from a faculty member, ask questions about the program and application process, and meet with current students to hear about the program from their perspective. Interested students may RSVP to any of the above dates at to receive the Zoom link for the Information Session.




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Local Organization Highlight

Go Check out the Family and Wellness Initiative! This is a local, non-profit organization in the Roanoke area. They focus on establishing healthy, strong, and supportive family environments within the Roanoke community. They offer parenting workshops for ages 0-5 and 5-12, free community events, health advice for children (e.g., nutrition, active lifestyles, and mind and body wellness), school connections, parenting tips, and how parents can healthily learn and get involved in youth culture with their children. They are supported by Blue Ridge Behavioral Health, Prevention, and Wellness Services, and funded by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. 

If you are interested in learning more about the Family and Wellness Initiative, you can find them at Also make sure to follow their blog at!

UVA’s openhouse

On December 13th at 4 pm UVA will be having a virtual open house about their applied developmental science graduate program!

To learn more about this program go to:

This meeting is an amazing opportunity to ask questions, learn more about what a graduate program entails, and hear other people’s thoughts and perspectives!

To register go to:

We hope to see your faces on zoom!

Upcoming RC Events!

Thinking of ways to gain more knowledge on important issues and topics outside of the classroom? Say less. Roanoke College offers many amazing events each week for all students and faculty to attend!

This week, Oct 4-9, Roanoke is holding several Zoom, and in-person events and talks. On Tuesday, Oct 5, there will be an Elderscholar Program, “What’s in a statue? Notes on the Roanoke Country confederate memorial” led by Dr. Robert Willingham from 12 PM – 1:15 PM. On Wednesday from 12 PM – 1:15 PM, the Eldershcolar Program will be hosting another talk, “Writing Your Story” by Ms. Mary Crockett Hill. Also on Wednesday from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM, there will be an informative talk on Covid-19 titled “Ask the Epidemiologist.” Alumni Ashley Briggs ‘13 and her colleagues will host a Zoom discussion on the impact and experiences throughout the pandemic. 

These are just a few examples of upcoming events. For more information, visit

Get out and learn!

out of the darkness walk

This month is Suicide Prevention month. Roanoke College has decided to organize a walk to spread awareness, show support, and hopefully raise money to help reduce suicide rates.

The walk is on campus from 10-12 and anyone is welcome to participate.

If you want more information or are able to donate please go to

I hope to see you guys there!

A Short Guide to Finals

Finals are quickly approaching being less than two weeks away. Now is the perfect time to start studying and putting the finishing touches on final projects and assignments that will be due. Of course, this time of the year is not without stress especially now during the pandemic.

Keep reading for more helpful advice about stress management and how to succeed during the finals.

College-wide events:

Chair Massages

Chair massages for students for stress relief!

When: Monday, May 10th, Wednesday, May 12th, & Friday, May 14th 2021

Time: Sign up here 

Where: The WELL (Alumni 216)

Below are some tips on completing projects and how to study to avoid stress and turn in quality work.

How to Prepare

The best way to make sure that you have adequate time to start and complete all of the assignments is to come up with a plan.

  1. Write down all due dates for finals assignments/projects and dates and times of final exams.
  2. Schedule times to study or complete parts of the project and make sure to follow the schedule. Getting in the habit makes sure that you’re not waiting until the last minute.
  3. During scheduled times make a plan on what you want to accomplish. Breaking large assignments or studying for finals in smaller sections, not only reduces stress but makes it easier to remember.
  4. For studying, always review what you studied the day before. If on day one, you studied chapters 1 and 2, on day two, you would quickly review chapters 1 and 2 but focus on the next chapters.
  5. Make sure that you start early enough so you have ample time.

Take Breaks

The best rule to follow for work/life balance is 80/20 where 80% is focused on academics and 20% is focused on having fun. Studying for long periods of time can be draining and isn’t efficient in the long run. Breaks can be as simple as meditating or going for a walk. Just remember to come back to studying when you’re mentally prepared.

Ask for Help

Sometimes it can be really helpful to talk with other classmates for clarification. This can also apply to professors. It’s better to ask before to make sure you’re prepared for the test. In addition, being able to explain the material to someone else and having them understand it is a good strategy for understanding and remembering the material.

Where to Study

Now that 9 AM to 9 PM access to other residence halls has been restored to all residential students, you can use the study lounges across campus to your advantage. Make sure the spot you pick to study is quiet and free from distractions. The library also has some great resources such as the individual study rooms on the top floor and group study rooms in the basement.

These are just some tips and not all of these work for everyone. This is also by no means a comprehensive list. Starting early will help you figure out which strategies work best for you. Remember the psychology department is cheering you on!

Good luck with finals and enjoy your summer!




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Congratulations to Psychology Department Award Winners for 2021!

Please join us in congratulating the following students for their hard work and dedication within the psychology department! These students were honored in a ceremony on May 3, 2021. 

Senior Scholar in Psychology 

Autumn T. Cox

The psychology major who has the highest overall grade point average (a minimum of 3.2 is required) after completion of at least 27 units is designated as the Senior Scholar in Psychology.


Karl W. Beck Memorial Prize

Kaillee M. Philleo and Carly M. Shepacarter

A monetary prize that is made possible by gifts of friends in memory of the late Karl W. Beck, who was a professor and chair of the Roanoke College Psychology Department. This award is given for excellence in Psychology.


Curt R. Camac Student Research Award

Sydney M. Caulder, Kira N. Hunt, Abbie L. Joseph, and Curtis E. Kingery

From 1986 to 2012, Dr. Curt Camac was one of the leaders of a campus-wide movement to increase student-faculty research. As an inspiration to both students and faculty, he helped pave the way for the tremendous growth in research experiences we offer at Roanoke. This grant was developed in his honor to support student research.


The Charles E. Early Award

Aaron J. Rogers

In honor of Dr. Charles Early, retired Professor of Psychology, who taught at Roanoke from 1988

to 2015, this award goes to the student who best embodies Dr. Early’s love of learning, powerful work ethic, keen intellect, warm humor, and deep appreciation for pie.


The Jan H. Lynch Human Development Concentration Award

Morgan J. Hamilton, Abbie L.  Joseph, and Grace E. Page

In honor of Dr. Jan Lynch, retired Professor of Psychology, who taught at Roanoke from 1980 to 2015. This award goes to the students who have demonstrated excellence in the Human Development Concentration.


Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors 

Hunter J. Andrews, Kyra R. Baker, Benjamin S. Campbell,  Alice R. Chandler, Jessica A. Fritz, Emily P. Gabrielian, Kaitlyn S. Gifford, Carey S. Linkous, Claire M. McDonald, Sara C. Moody, Naomi H. Painter, Carrie N. Pohlman, Kaeley E. Pollock, Kristi R. Rolf, Hannah N. Schetselaar, Rebecca A. Shannon, and Sarah E. Young

Recognition given to the junior students who are deemed by the faculty as having demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and potential for continued success in Psychology.


Outstanding Student in the Neuroscience Concentration

Kira N. Hunt

This award is given annually to the student who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in the neuroscience concentration and has shown potential for continued success in the field.


Psi Chi Achievement Award 

Kaillee M. Philleo 

A gift given to the Psi Chi member who has best exemplified excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service. The recipient is chosen by student and faculty members of Psi Chi, the honorary society in Psychology.


Again, please wish these students congratulations if you see them around campus! Additionally, thank you to our amazing faculty and staff who help guide our students towards success! We are so very grateful to you!



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Upcoming Event: New Majors Orientation

Calling all recently declared psychology majors! The Psychology Department is excited about your interest in the field that we love, and are passionate about working with you to explore the many facets of psychology and prepare you for life after graduation!

If you have recently declared the major, we want to welcome you to the department this Wednesday or Thursday through the New Majors Orientation event! This event will be held via Zoom and all-new majors, including those who missed the event in the past, are welcome to join!

New Majors Orientations

When: Wednesday, April 28

Time: 4:00 PM-5:00 PM

Where: Click this Zoom link to join!


When: Thursday, April 29

Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Where: Click this Zoom link to join!

We look forward to welcoming you to the department then!




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Alumni Weekend: Psychology Reception

From April 15-17, Roanoke College will be holding their annual Alumni Weekend virtually to bring Maroons together from all over the world to celebrate. On Friday, April 16th, the psychology department will be hosting a psychology reception from 3:30 to 5:30 pm hosted via Gatherly. You can sign up for Alumni Weekend by clicking this link. Come join us to see your favorite Psychology faculty members!




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Diversifying Psychology Weekend


Miami University is now accepting applications for their third annual Diversifying Psychology Weekend being held virtually, May 1st, 2021. This weekend is designed to help students from underrepresented and diverse backgrounds learn more about research and graduate school in psychology, prepare to apply for a doctorate in psychology, network with graduate students and faculty, and learn more about what their department has to offer. The event is supported by Miami University’s Psychology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, and Graduate School, and Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion. Students who are early in their college careers and/or who are less familiar with doctoral degrees in psychology are encouraged to apply.

To receive full consideration, successful applicants should:

  • Demonstrate a strong interest in learning more about a doctoral degree in the following areas of psychology: clinical, cognitive, community, developmental, social, or neuroscience.
  • Identify as a racial or ethnic minority traditionally underrepresented in psychological science AND/OR identify as an individual who will enhance the diversity and inclusivity of psychological science. Examples include (but are not limited to): first-generation college students, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ individuals, individuals from low socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds, etc.

To apply, follow this link. Applications are due April 7th, 2021.

More information about their psychology department can be found here.




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Black History Month at Roanoke College

We dedicate every February to Black History Month. A month that celebrates the incredible achievements of African Americans and highlights and recognizes their central role in U.S. history. Roanoke College is celebrating Black History Month through a series of events, of which more information is provided below.

Keynote Speaker – “An Evening with Yusef Salaam”

Date: Tuesday, February 23

Time: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Where: Virtual webinar

Roanoke College Blood Drive

Date: Thursday, February 25

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Where: Fintel Library – Preregistration required

Community, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Symposium 

Date: Saturday, February 27

Where: Roanoke College Campus

Schedule of events:

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 

  • Morehead Hall – Service Learning – Micah’s Backpack Weekend Food Program; Habitat for Humanity “Horses for Habitat”
  • Morehead Hall – Community Art Activity

9:30 – 10:00 a.m.

  • Morning Reflection with President Michael C. Maxey

10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

  • Virtual – “Black History and Black Lives Today,” panel discussion moderated by Dr. Shannon Anderson featuring Dr. Jesse Bucher, Jordan Robinson ’22, and Jordan Bell

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

  • Virtual – “King’s Complicated Legacy: Persuasive Non-Violent Action & Resistance,” panel discussion moderated by Courtney Penn and Aaron Rogers ’21 featuring Dr. Paul Hinlicky, the Rev. Dr. David A. Jones and Cathy Bonilla ’14

1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

  • Virtual – Healing Circle – “Unpacking the Current Climate of America,” moderated by Heather Gunn, LPC

2:15 p.m.

  • Virtual –  Closing Session – “The Work to be Done”

More information on each event and registration details can be found here. We hope to see you at these events!




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How to Finesse Finals Week


It is that time of the year again: Finals! Albeit much earlier in the year, next week marks the finish line for the fall semester. This is both a very exciting and stressful time because you are so close, but you may have so much more left to do.

A few days ago, we reached out to students on Instagram to ask how they prepared for finals. We received some great advice such as “Prioritizing sleep and eating over late-night study cramming” and “Organizing printed notes and making physical notecards”.

Keep reading for more helpful advice about stress management and how to succeed during finals next week!College-wide events:

Yoga for Stress Relief

There will be an online via zoom and in person yoga session.

When: Monday November 16th, 2020

Time: 3:00 PM to 4:00

Where: Bast 138 and on zoom

To learn more contact Colleen Quigley,

In the Moment: Creative Practices for Medication and Wellness

Amy Herzel, a visual artist whose work is focused on meditative practice is hosting a workshop about using creative practices as a method of meditation.

When: Saturday November 21st, 2020

Time: 2:00 to 3:00 PM

Where: Online via Zoom (will be recorded)

Contact: Lacey Leonard, (540-354-6282) to register, for questions, or if there is difficulty joining. Each registered user will receive a kit.

Roanoke College Wellness

There are still some spots for chair massages for students provided by Health Services. You can find open slots and sign up here .

College Resources

As always our student health and counseling services are still available to all students through telemedicine services.

Students can drop into counseling for a short duration through Let’s Talk on Tuesdays from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Thursdays 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, and Fridays 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM.

If you’re interested in talking in a group about stress or anxiety, Love Your Selfie is on Mondays via Zoom from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Other Organizations and the college may also have events that pop up this week or the next so watch out for those!

Below are some tips on completing projects and how to study to avoid stress and turn in quality work.

Study Schedules

The best way to make sure you have adequate time to start and complete all of the assignments coming up is to plan.

  1. Marking down all due dates for finals assignments/projects and dates and times of final exams.
  2. Schedule times to study or complete parts of the project and make sure to to the schedule. Getting in the habit makes sure that you’re not waiting until the last minute.
  3. During scheduled times make a plan on what you want to accomplish. Breaking large assignments or studying for finals in smaller sections, not only reduces stress but for studying, it makes it easier to remember.
  4. For studying, always review what you studied the day before. If on day one, you studied chapters 1 and 2, on day two, you would quickly review chapters 1 and 2 but focus on the next chapters.
  5. Make sure that you start early enough so you have ample time.

Take Breaks

            The best rule to follow for work/life balance is 80/20 where 80% is focused on academics and 20% is focused on having fun. Studying for long periods of time can be draining and isn’t efficient in the long run. Breaks can be as simple as meditating or going for a walk. Just remember to come back to studying when you’re mentally prepared.

Group Sessions

            This doesn’t work for everyone but sometimes it can be really helpful to talk with other classmates for clarification. This can also apply to professors. It’s better to ask before to make sure you’re prepared for the test. In addition, being able to explain material to someone else and having them understand it is a good strategy for understanding and remembering the material.

Study Strategies

            Using a variety of different studying strategies such as retrieval, elaboration, organizational, and rehearsal strategies makes it easier to remember and understand the material.

  • Retrieval- Testing yourself is a great way of making sure you understand and remember material. This can be answering questions from textbooks, using flashcards, practicing using formulas and solving problems, or recreating charts/timelines/and diagrams from memory.
  •  Elaboration- Linking new information with information you already know or creating learning mnemonics like acronyms and analogies.
  •   Organizational- Making your own charts and graphs to visualize information.
  • Rehearsal-Repeating information out loud or repeatedly writing information. It works better if paired to strategies listed above rather than if used by itself.

These are just some tips and not all of these work for everyone. This is also by no means a comprehensive list. Starting early will help you figure out which strategies work best for you. Remember the psychology department is cheering you on!

Good luck with finals and be sure to revel in the two-month break that follows!




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Graduate School Advice Panel

Have you considered graduate school? Are you currently in the process of applying? Or are just looking to explore options post-undergrad?

If so, then join the Graduate School Advice Panel over Zoom on Tuesday, October 27th from 12-1 PM.

Join current Roanoke College Psych Professors and recent Roanoke College Psych Alumni to learn more about graduate school and the application process, as well as to learn general advice about different programs and the graduate school process.

We will be joined by Alumni in a variety of programs ranging from Clinical Psychology to I/O Psychology, all of whom are working towards an M.A., Ph.D., or Psy.D.

If you’re interested in attending join the following Zoom meeting on Tuesday, October 27th at Noon.

Topic: Grad School Info Session

Time: Oct 27, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 5690 2405

Passcode: 310880

We look forward to having you join us!




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Upcoming Out of the Darkness Walk

Each year, Roanoke College is proud to host the Out of the Darkness Walk for suicide prevention and mental health awareness. While much of this year looks different, Psi Chi and RCPA are proud to continue to host this event.

On Saturday, October 10, 2020, at 11:00 AM, join members of Psi Chi and RCPA, as well as the greater Roanoke College Community to take part in this walk! We will be meeting outside in the parking lot near the Life Science Building. If you plan to walk in person please follow the COVID guidelines and precautions set forth by the CDC, VA State Health Department, and Roanoke College by wearing a mask, practicing social distancing and most importantly by staying home if you are feeling ill, have any symptoms of COVID-19, or have been around someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

If you do not feel comfortable meeting in person, no worries, just  walk whenever you can Saturday and wherever you feel most comfortable! Moreover, you can scan the QR code on the poster above to join our team and help raise donations to support the American Foundation for suicide prevention.

We look forward to walking with you Saturday, wherever you may be, and appreciate any and all support!




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Towson University Open House

On Saturday, October 17th, Towson University will be hosting a virtual Graduate Studies Open House! Roanoke College alumni Diane Nyugen is currently attending Towson University to earn her M.A. in Experimental Psychology! Attendees of the open house will hear from current students and faculty, and will have the opportunity to ask questions. Finally, students who attend the open house will have the fee waived on their Towson University Graduate Application! For more information, visit the links below.


To register for the event, click here.

For more information about the Experimental Psychology program, click here.

Follow their Facebook for updates on current students and alumni. 

Contact our program director, Dr. Justin Buckingham at 




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RCPA at the Student Activities Fair

Why not check out RCPA at the student activities fair this Friday, September 11 that will be taking place from 5 pm to 8 pm on the back quad?

In the past RCPA has hosted exciting events ranging in activities from tie-dying and pieing professors as well as  Toy-like-me modification day and psychology-related talks.

Live streaming and individual club clips will also be available on Maroon Tube for those who cannot attend in person.

Extra information about the fair can be found on Roanoke College’s website under events.

We look forward to seeing you there!




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Baruch College I/O Program Open House!

Logos - Toolkit | OCMPA
© Baruch College

Industrial and organizational psychology, or I/O psychology, is an applied discipline within the field of psychology. Typically, I/O psychologists focus on employees in the workplace, applying psychological principals and research methods in order to improve the work environment, specifically thing such as performance, communication and safety.

With I/O psychology becoming a growing discipline, students who may be interested in a program related to I/O psychology or who may want to learn more about what such program would entail, should check out the virtual open house led by the Graduate Center and Baruch College.

Baruch College will be holding virtual open houses for fall 2021 admissions on Tuesday, September 22 from 5:00 pm-6:00 pm EST and on Thursday, October 22 from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm EST.

During these open houses, prospective students will have the opportunity to learn more about the Ph.D. program and the application process, hear from current students, such as recent alumna Kaitlin Busse ’18, and faculty, as well as attend a question and answer session.

Advanced registration is required, and can be done here.

Please contact Dr. Charles Scherbaum (
with any questions on the registration or event.




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April 19 to April 25 is APA and GSA’s careers in aging week! Psychology of aging focuses on applying knowledge and methods of psychology to understanding and helping older adults and their families to achieve well-being in later life. If you are interested in working with older adults and want to learn more then follow this link! Likewise, if this is a topic that interests you then check out Adult Development and Aging (PSYC-323), a course that is being offered this fall and likely will not be offered again until Fall 2022.

Furthermore, if you are interested overall in human development then check out the human development concentration that is offered at Roanoke College! The human development concentration exposes students to the broader life-span perspective and allows students to focus on the stages (e.g., childhood, adolescence, adulthood) and the topics most applicable to their personal or professional goals.

For more information on the human development concentration, reach out to Dr. Powell or Dr. FVN!


At the end of last semester on Thursday, December 5, students, faculty, and staff gathered in Fintel library to look at all of the amazing work the psychology department students have completed over the semester and summer. Various research posters and internship opportunities were shared and of course, the pizza was a hit among all session attendees! Check out the gallery of photos from the event below and congratulations to everyone who shared their research or internship on having a successful presentation and semester.




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On Tuesday, November 19 from 12:00-1:00 PM Mainstream Mental Health Services will be in LS 502. They will be discussing internships (which can start this coming spring or summer) and job opportunities that their organization offers, as well as careers in mental health in general.

According to their website, Mainstream Mental Health Services, INC. believes in providing goal directed training to individuals in need to achieve and maintain independence in the most appropriate and least restrictive environment. It is our mission to enable eligible older adolescents and adults to acquire life skills and develop stronger family and community relationships that will enhance their quality of life in the mainstream community.

If mental health interests you then stop by on Tuesday and check out the opportunities that Mainstream Mental Health Services has to offer!

P.S. There will be pizza!

Image result for dog pizza gif




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On November 6 the psychology department welcomed newly declared majors at the New Majors Orientation event! The students that attended the event learned more about what the psychology department has to offer and officially “signed into” the department by signing the psychology major poster!

If you are a newly declared major and missed this session no worries! Another session will be held on Monday, November 25 at 4:30 PM in Life Science 502. If you will be attending then be sure to sign up on  SONA .

You can email Dr. Powell ( with any further questions!

Congrats to all who signed into the department already! We are so happy to have you as part of the psychology department!




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Image result for st joseph's university
Next Monday, November 18 at 2:00 PM St. Joseph’s University is hosting a virtual open house! This open house is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about their MS in experimental psychology program. This is a full-time program designed to provide students with a solid grounding in the scientific study of psychology.   All students in their program are assigned to a mentor and conduct an empirically based research thesis under their direction.

Information on how to attend the open house can be found at this link!

For more information of their program check out this link as well as the brochure below!




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Have you recently declared psychology as your major? If so then come out to the new majors orientation! It is required of all recently declared majors and there are two dates that you can come:

This Wednesday, November 6 at 5:30 PM or Monday, November 25 at 4:30 PM

Both of these orientations will be held in Life Science 502 but be sure to select the date you are attending on  SONA .

You can email Dr. Powell ( with any further questions!

Congrats to all who have declared psychology! We are so happy to have you become part of the psychology department!




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On Monday, September 30 from 4:30 – 6:30 PM there will be an Internship fair held in the Colket Center. This is a wonderful opportunity to find out more about internships offered for the Spring, Summer, and Fall of next year! Internships are a great way to immerse yourself into your field and possible future jobs. 

For psychology majors, an internship can be used for credit to fulfill one of three electives. If you are interested in more information regarding how to count an internship for credit check out this link 

No matter for credit or experience, internships are a great way to apply the knowledge you have already learned to a new and different setting, as well as grow a social network that can lead  you to possible future careers. 

So stop on by the internship fair and learn more about what the Salem and Roanoke area has to offer for students! 




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Take part in Mindful Mondays On Monday afternoons from 3:00-3:45 in THE WELL (Alumni 216). If you are feeling stressed and looking for a way to relax for a little, this is the place for you! Ms. Laura Leonard will be leading these weekly group sessions to offer insight on mindfulness-based practices. If you are interested in learning more about mindfulness or are interested in finding new ways to handle stress stop on by! All are welcome and we hope to see you there! 




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The Psychology Department at the Academic Awards Ceremony 2019

Academic Award Ceremony 2019 – Slideshow!

On April 3rd, high achieving students at Roanoke College were presented with awards from their departments as part of the 2019 Academic Awards Ceremony.

“The Academic Awards Ceremony is a time to celebrate some of our top Psychology Majors, as well as leadership in student groups and our two concentrations: Neuroscience and Human Development. We have a lot of hardworking and talented students in our program and I am proud of this year’s award recipients,” said Dr. Buchholz.

This year, the Psychology Department distributed awards to seventeen students overall. These students were:

  • Sophia Bacon (Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors)
  • Kiah Coflin (Psi Chi Achievement Award)
  • Hailey Davis (Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors)
  • Kathryn Flinchum (Curt R. Camac Student Research Award)
  • Aislinn Foutz (Curt R. Camac Student Research Award)
  • Casey J. Gough (Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors)
  • Rachel Harmon (Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors)
  • Theresa Hecmanczuk (Curt R. Camac Student Research Award)
  • Matthew Johnson (Outstanding Student in Neuroscience Concentration)
  • Riker Lawrence (Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors)
  • Nicole Moughrabi (The Charles E. Early Award)
  • Hayley Mulford (Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors)
  • Cody Dillon-Owens (Senior Scholar; The Jan H. Lynch Human Development Concentration Award; Psi Chi Achievement Award; and the Karl W. Beck Memorial Prize)
  • Thomas Thomas (Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors)
  • Kestrel Thorne-Kaunelis (The Charles E. Early Award)
  • Noelle Warfford (Karl W. Beck Memorial Prize)
  • Molly Zydel (The Jan H. Lynch Human Development Concentration Award)

Award Recipients – Slideshow!

When asked for a statement, Dr. Osterman added that “We are all so proud of the accomplishments of our students. It was a pleasure to be able to celebrate all of their hard work and dedication with them at the awards ceremony. We can’t wait to see what they do next.”

On behalf of the Psychology Department, congratulations again to all of our students. You have worked hard and done well and we look forward to seeing what you will achieve in the future!




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New Majors “Signing In”

Earlier this month, newly declared Psychology majors attended the New Majors Orientation and  “officially” signed in to the department! If you are a newly declared Psychology major and you have not attended an orientation yet, be sure to lookout for New Majors Orientation dates this upcoming Fall 2019!

New Majors Spring 2019 -Slideshow!

Written by Rachel Harmon, video by Brittney Rowe




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Dr. FVN Speaks on Bullying and Teenage Aggression at Andrew Lewis Middle School

Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand was recently able to speak  to teachers and students at Andrew Lewis Middle School about bullying and teenage aggression as part of a guest speaker series called “One Book, One School Community.”

As part of a statement, Dr. FVN said:

On Friday, March 29, I spoke to Andrew Lewis Middle School (here in Salem) students and teachers about adolescent aggression and bullying. I was invited to be a speaker as a part of their “one book one school” program. I addressed research on non-traditional forms of bullying, consequences of bullying (for victims, bullies, and others exposed to but not directly involved), individual differences in adolescent aggression, and several common misconceptions about bullying and aggression. Students had great questions and hopefully learned a thing or two!




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Riker Lawrence ’21 at the Mid-Atlantic Undergraduate Research Conference 2019

Riker Lawrence ’21 discusses her experience presenting at the Mid-Atlantic Undergraduate Research Conference below.

Attending the Mid-Atlantic Undergraduate Research Conference last weekend was an interesting experience for me. In the past, I have attended conferences that mainly focused on behavioral science. This conference included multiple different fields of research, so I learned many new concepts in fields such as physics, wood science, and chemistry. I enjoyed learning about information that I wouldn’t normally research on in my specific field. My poster presentation focused on Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and workplace attitudes. Specifically, my lab mate and I examined associations between PsyCap, well-being, and how employees write about their jobs. We also explored the usefulness of Maslow’s (1943) Hierarchy of Needs in coding participants’ writings about their jobs, because his theory can be used to explain human needs. Overall, I thought the conference was well organized and provided a good research experience to undergraduates.

Congratulations to Lawrence for her successful presentation on Psychological Capital and workplace attitudes!




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Pie a Prof 2019

Do you want revenge on your professors? Maybe you just like a bit of fun. Quite possibly, you even like raising money for a good cause.

If any of the above apply to you, then take heed! April 11th at 4 pm on Colket Patio you will get to see 9, yes 9, of our esteemed psych professors get a pie in their face! The kicker? You could be the one that delivers it!

So all professors will be pied regardless, but like last year, the professor with the most donations in their name will get a giant pie. If you make a donation of at least $5, you will get to personally pie the professor of your choice. Instead of one charity this year, there will be 3 charities with each professor being assigned to a team. The team with the most money overall has the profits donated to their charity.

Whether you donate based on professor or charity, revenge or generosity, we hope to see you there! Cash donations can be made to the lock box on the 5th floor and Venmo can be sent to @rcpsych! We will also be tabling in Colket the week prior.

Team 1: Brain Injury Services of SWVA

  • Dr. Wetmore
  • Dr. Buchholz
  • Dr. Allen

Team 2: St. Francis Service Dogs

  • Dr. Osterman
  • Dr. Hilton
  • Dr. Nichols

Team 3: Children’s Trust

  • Dr. Powell
  • Dr. FVN
  • Dr. Carter

If you have any questions, please contact Cody Dillon-Owens, president of Psi Chi.




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Beth Macy at Roanoke, 2019

Beth Macy, Fintel Library on 5 February 2019 (c) Brittney Rowe

On Tuesday, February 5th in Fintel Library as part of Psi Chi’s Q&A, Beth Macy, author of Dopesick, spent some time answering questions and talking with students and faculty.

Snacks and drinks were provided.

The video encapsulates the event, but read on to learn more from Dr. Angela Allen’s perspective.

Beth Macy Visit – Slideshow!

Dr. Allen discusses the event below:

Beth Macy, the author of the 2018 nonfiction book Dopesick, visited the Roanoke College community for several days in early February. Dopesick is a compelling read about the impact of opioid addiction in several communities and the struggle of those who try, often repeatedly, to cease use. Much has been written about addiction, but this book really brought home the human impact and reminded the reader that the addicts are sons, daughters, parents, siblings who are loved and valued. The book also illustrated how frustrating the treatment process is for the users and their families, especially given that medication-assisted treatment has demonstrably the best outcome but yet meets with a great deal of opposition from many quarters. As a mom myself, I really felt for the parents of users who loved their children and wanted to help them, yet often found themselves overwhelmed and feeling helpless in the process.

Beth Macy talking with group about the opioid crisis, Fintel Library, 5 February 2019 (c) Brittney Rowe

Beth met informally with a group of our psychology students on February 5. She presented a heartfelt account of the opioid crises and how it has impacted the lives of so many Americans. She spoke about the fact that opioid addiction is something that can and does happen to people from every background, illustrating this point with stories of a young local woman from a well-off family who became addicted after taking opioids medicinally and ultimately met a tragic end. She spoke passionately about how misconceptions of addiction and of medication as treatment for addiction are limiting the options for people who are addicted, and that it is often literally a life or death situation. Students asked her what they could do to help, and she talked about being politically involved, educating people about medication as a treatment for addiction, and even learning how to carry and use the opioid antagonist Narcan. My own students later commented that they had not realized how difficult treatment can be to access and that drug courts and needle exchanges could have real benefits to users as well as the communities around them. While reading about these addiction and treatment is very informative, it was a great experience to hear directly from Beth and to be able to ask questions. It would be fantastic if the community can use the information from this experience to improve the lots of users and their families.

Beth Macy and a student, Fintel Library on the 5 February, 2019 (c) Brittney Rowe




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Research Poster Session Fall 2018

Last semester, psychology students gathered on the first floor of Fintel Library to present their research findings as well as to discuss their internship experiences from that semester.

The first floor was packed with students and professors milling around, listening to students’ presentations during the open block.

Student Lauren Furlow reported that all sixteen boxes of pizza disappeared within eleven minutes of the event’s start.

Mrs. Ellen Dyer, secretary of the Biology and Psychology Departments, confirmed this report.

Poster Session Slideshow!

Overall, the Fall 2018 Psychology Research Poster Session was a great success! Thank you to everyone who presented or came to listen. We look forward to seeing what interesting projects will be presented in the semesters to come!




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VTCRI Lecture Opportunity

Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute

Interested in psychology, human development, or neuroscience?

Then an upcoming talk at the nearby Virginia Tech Research Institute (VTCRI) on November 29th at 5:30 pm might be of interest to you!

The talk, titled  “Synapses Lost and Found: Developmental Critical Periods and Alzheimer’s Disease”, is part of the VTCRI Maury Strauss Distinguished Public Lecture series, will be given by Stanford’s Dr. Carla Shatz.

More information on the talk and the speaker can be found at:

As the talk relates to neuroscience and human development, the psychology department is encouraging and organizing students in multiple classes and in the Neuroscience Concentration and the Human Development Concentration to attend.

The psychology department can provide transportation for students or faculty who need to or are interested in carpooling for the event but we need to know by the end of the day on November 26th (TODAY) regarding whether or not we will take a van.

If you plan to attend the talk on November 29th, please fill out the Doodle poll at: Feel free to send the survey link to other students or faculty that you think would be interested in attending.




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Out of the Darkness: A Recap

On Saturday, October 6th, beginning at 11 am, the community walked in support of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). There were more intrinsic reasons, of course, for their choice to walk; these were often reflected in the different colored necklaces participants hung around their necks, each representing something important to them.

Out of Darkness Recap Video

Members of Psi Chi and RCPA were there, representing the college and their respective organizations. Professors were there to show their support as well.

Overall, it was a successful event and we look forward to participating in the years to follow.

To learn more about the Out of the Darkness Community Walks, then follow this link to go to their main site. You can also follow this link to find out how to ‘Seize the     Awkward’, a campaign led in partnership between the AFSP, The Jed Foundation, and the Ad Council.

If you need to talk to someone or know of someone in crisis,  please call the  National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text the Crisis Text Line with the message ‘HOME’ to 741741.




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Color Your Cares Away with RCPA

With the promise of Fall Break comes the stress of Midterms.

Escape the stress of midterm week by relaxing and coloring with peers.

Don’t think you have the time? Running through everything you have to get done before the blessed Fall Break begins?

Take a break and breathe.




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Mental Health in Rural Appalachia

Dr. Dane Hilton will be discussing mental health in rural Appalachia tomorrow (Wednesday, October 3rd) at 7:00 pm in Life Science 502.  Specifically, in terms of prevalent mental health diagnoses and problems with accessibility to treatment in these areas.

This talk is sponsored by the Roanoke College Honors Program.

All are welcome.

Hope to see you there!




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Roanoke College Featured in “Eye on Psi Chi Fall 2018”

Click on the image to be taken directly to the PDF version of the magazine.

Roanoke College’s Psi Chi chapter was recently featured in the latest edition of Eye on Psi Chi, the official International Honors Society’s magazine.

In this Fall 2018 edition, all chapters throughout the country were able to share their accomplishments from the previous semester. These categories include: Community Service, Convention/Conference, Fundraising, Induction Ceremony, Meeting/Speaker Event, Recruitment, and Social Events.

For Roanoke’s Psi Chi chapter, we had thirty-four new members inducted in the spring.

We also had two major fund-raisers: Psy-Dye and Pie a Prof, with the latter earning around $550.00 in proceeds to support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

A special feature on Pie a Prof will be coming soon, with pictures and videos included of that fateful day.

Congrats Psi Chi for being featured and thank you for all of your hard work! We are proud and look forward to seeing what you do in the future.




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Out of the Darkness: Suicide Prevention Walk 2018

Open to the Roanoke/Salem/New River Valley community, the Out of the Darkness: Suicide Prevention Walk will commence at 11 am on Saturday, October 6, 2018, starting at the Cregger Center.

Registration/Check-in begins at 10 am. 

This is the fourth year that Roanoke College has hosted the Suicide Prevention Walk. Last year, psychology professors and students, including representatives of Psi Chi and RCPA, supported the event by volunteering and/or walking.

If you are interested in attending the event, then please register here. You can also donate through the link, which takes you to our team’s page. So far, we’ve raised $75, with our goal being $100.

We would love to have you join us in support of the Out of the Darkness Community Walk!


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Grad School Advice Panel

As fall approaches us here at Roanoke, so do the deadlines for graduate schools.

Cue the mental freak out:

It’s OK, Thor. Just attend the advice panel.

Regardless of whether you are a senior or not, if you are like Thor and want to know more about graduate school programs and the application process, then consider attending the Psychology Department’s Grad School Advice Panel on Tuesday, September 18th at 12 pm in Life Science 502.  

The Grad School Advice Panel will be hosted by Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand, Dr. Wetmore, and Dr. Hilton. If you have any questions or just want advice, they will be happy to help you!

Oh, there will also be pizza and refreshments provided.

Be like Captain Jack Sparrow, but instead of a moving ship, there’s free pizza instead.

Also, if you want to know more information about career opportunities and graduate schools, you can click here to go to the department’s website for more information.

Most importantly, though, as the time for research and decisions begins, remember:

Hope to see you there!


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Ready to Dance? Then Just Dance.

Want to celebrate the end of finals in style?

Then just dance!

The psychology department will be hosting their annual Psychology Dance Party on Wednesday, May 2nd from 1:30 – 3:30 pm in Life Science 502.

Here’s an example of the fun you can have:

This is a chance to challenge your professors to a friendly game of Just Dance on the Wii.

A chance to groove to the beat and laugh in relief as finals are finally over and you are free. 

As such, all are welcome.

You may also get to see Dr. Nichols dance to Let it Go in-person. Here’s a video clip to help make your day a little brighter.

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Research Poster Session Spring ’18

The Psychology Department hosted their research poster session on Thursday, April 19th 2018. Many students presented on their research projects and internships; students were also able to donate to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention while choosing which professor they’d like to see pied with whipping cream and sprinkles. Great job to everyone who presented and thanks to everyone who came!

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Pie A Professor TODAY!

Today is the day. The day you get to see your professors pied! From 5pm-6pm at Sutton Terrace RCPA and Psi Chi will make your dreams come true by pieing 6 of our beloved professors for your enjoyment, all while raising money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Pieing will occur at 5:30pm, with the opportunity for students to pay $10 to personally pie a professor of their choice. Bring your friends!

The current rankings are:

  1. Dr. Buchholz & Dr. Carter (tied for first)
  2. Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand
  3. Dr. Nichols
  4. Dr. Osterman
  5. Dr. Allen

Pie a Prof!

It’s that time of the year!

Stop by the table outside of Colket or by the box in the hallway of the 5th floor to choose your victim(s) to get pied! The professor with the most money in their jar will get a special pie, with sprinkles.

All proceeds will go to The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Hope to see you there!

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Attention Alumni

We invite you to join us at the Psychology Department alumni reception this Saturday April 14th from 4:00-5:30 pm at the Lucas Library and outdoor balcony. Note, you are encouraged to attend even if you have not registered for this event. We hope to see you there!

Alumni Career Fair!

Are you looking for internships? Job opportunities? Then consider attending to Alumni Career Fair! The event will be held on Thursday, April 12th, from 5-7 pm on the main level of Colket.

Why should you attend? According to Director McLawhorn of Career Services, alumni from around 30 companies/organizations/career fields of various industries and geographic locations will be there to share about their career fields, as well as provide information about internships and/or job opportunities that may be available at their respective places of employment.

Some company recruiters will be there as well.

Things you should know before you go: 

  • Neat, but casual clothing is fine.
  • It’s highly suggested that students bring resumes, but they are not required. (Students can contact Career Services for assistance with resumes prior to April 12.)
  • There will be door prizes.

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Psy-Dye: On the Back Quad

We hope to see you there!

Also, if you are interested in joining our Relay for Life team, please sign up by clicking on the image above. It will take you directly to our site.

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SAAM Day of Action

Today is the SAAM Wear Teal Day of Action, sponsored by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.

April is the Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Please show your support of survivors and ending victim blame by wearing teal today and/or following this link to the Resource Center’s official site to learn how to get involved.

You can also find information for survivors as well as family and friends on learning more about sexual violence and how to prevent it and connecting with victims or families.

The NSVRC is also a place to find help.

Please join us in supporting SAAM and today’s Day of Action.

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Stressed About Graduate School Applications?

If you are graduating this year and looking to apply to graduate schools or would just like to learn more about the process, then consider attending Ms. Brook’s talk on Tuesday, April 10th at 6 pm in Life Science 515!

A recruiter and retention specialist for graduate programs at Radford University, Ms. Brooks will demystify the process, providing tips towards strengthening your application and answer any questions you may have.

Hope to see you there!

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New Majors Orientation in March!

Four students recently attended New Majors Orientation where they were able to sign their names onto the psychology board and learn about different opportunities available as a psychology major.

The orientation was led by Dr. Powell, who will be leading another orientation on April 5th at 5:00 pm in LS 502.

New majors are required to attend orientation, so if you recently declared a major in psychology, please sign-up for the final orientation through SONA!

Hope to see you there!

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New Majors Orientation Spring ’18

Students who declared a psychology major recently, including those who declared last semester but were unable to attend, are required to attend the New Majors’ Orientation on either Monday, March 26th from 5:30 – 6:30 pm or Thursday, April 5th from 5:00 – 6:00 pm in Life Science 502.

You only need to attend one session, so pick whichever date works best for you and sign up here through SONA.

Hope to see you there!

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SPSP Conference 2018

The first weekend of spring break, Drs. Buchholz, Osterman, Carter, and Findley-Van Nostrand, in addition to several students, traveled to Atlanta to present their studies at the 2018 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference.

The students in attendance included:

  • Cody Dillon-Owens ’19, who presented on “Understanding moral decision making using self-driving cars.” This study was supervised by Dr. Buchholz and included several other students, including Megan Miller ’18, Allison Smith, Lauren Powell ’21, and Seth Poore ’20. They found that participants generally thought positively of self-driving cars. Faced with a moral dilemma on who to save during an impending crash, the participants were generally more likely to save themselves and their mothers over anyone else. Participants were also more likely to save “significant” individuals rather than strangers.
  • To learn more about the study, please contact Dr. Buchholz at

  • Lauren Furlow ’19 and Nicole Moughrabi ’19 presented on the “Allocation of Mate Budgets as Function of Environmental Threat and Life History Strategy.” From Dr. Osterman’s lab, Furlow and Moughrabi added to further research to the field discussing how  “women’s mating psychologies shift as a function of early environment and current environment demands.”
  • To learn more about this study, email Dr. Osterman at

Sabrina McAllister ’18 presents her findings.

  • Sabrina McAllister ’18, a member of Dr. Nichols’s lab, discussed the results of her study titled “Time Perspective as a State-Based Measure.” To learn more about her study, follow this link. (If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Nichols at

  • Lauren Powell ’21, also a member of Dr. Buchholz’s lab, discussed the study titled “The moral dilemma of self-driving cars.” As this study was conducted alongside the first discussed study, the same researchers also worked on this inquiry. The main goal in this study was to see how gender and empathy would affect how the participants answered the moral dilemmas. However, the results showed that neither gender nor empathy predicted the answers, but that there was a “three-way interaction between gender, cognitive empathy, and affective resonance.” They also found that men possessed significantly more positive attitudes towards self-driving cars than women.

In addition, Drs. Osterman and Findley-Van Nostrand also presented their research. Specifically, Dr. O presented findings found in conjunction with Dr. Gornick of the Virginia Military Institute, Mr. Brian Matera, and Mr. Alexander Carr, titled “Trait Empathy Moderates Belief Bias in Emotionally-Evocative Reasoning Tasks.” To learn more, please contact Dr. Osterman at the above mentioned email address.

Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand’s study was titled: “Sense of Belonging Drives Intentions to Leave STEM in Undergraduate Students: Mediated and Short-Term Longitudinal Association.” She worked alongside Drs. Sophie Kuchynka, Jennifer Bosson, and Richard Pollenz, all from the University of South Florida. If you are curious about the study and want to learn more, Dr. FVN can be contacted at

Finally, the day before the official SPSP conference began, Dr. Carter presented his study on “The Effect of the American Flag on Political Attitudes Has Declined Over Time: A Case Study of the Effect of Historical Context on Priming Effects,” at the JDM preconference.

The preconferences are one-day, mini conferences that allow for colleagues to gather to discuss their specific areas of interest. For Dr. Carter, this was to discuss the changes since the first study he and his fellow researchers had conducted in 2011, wherein his research revealed that using the American flag as a primer has become less effective in shifting participants towards more politically conservative attitudes and beliefs. The effect is shown to be roughly zero at present. To learn more, please contact Dr. Carter at

(Unfortunately, no pictures were taken of Dr. Carter while he was presenting at the JDM preconference. Instead, Dr. O provided a dramatic reenactment via hard work and editing skills.)

When asked about the experience, Dr. Osterman said…

We had a fantastic time at SPSP, and all of our student presenters did a wonderful job of talking about their research with other scholars. They represented the college and department exceedingly well.

Cody seconded this, saying:

SPSP went really well! It was a wonderful opportunity to present research to a large body of our peers in psychology, as well as learn about a lot of the exciting new research that’s being conducted in the field. I definitely look forward to attending my next conference!

Congratulations to our students and professors for their successful SPSP conference!

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Psi Chi Inductions 2018

Congratulations to the new members of Psi Chi!

On March 13th, 2018, the psychology department held their Psi Chi Induction Ceremony. Thirty-four students were inducted this semester into Psi Chi, the international honor society for psychology and one of the largest honor societies in the United States.

Following lunch, Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand began the ceremony by making the opening remarks. Students were then given their certificates and the nominations for the new executive board for Psi Chi were held. Dr. Osterman ended the ceremony by leading the recognition of the outgoing and incoming executive boards.

Pictures of the new members of Psi Chi followed the conclusion of the ceremony, including:

Students who were not able to attend the ceremony but are new members of Psi Chi are as follows:

  • Ciprianna O. Azar
  • Alexander J. Glando
  • Elizabeth Q. Helminski
  • Jeanette L. Kurtic
  • Logan E. Miner
  • Hannah Pfeffer
  • Jeanne M. Skulstad
  • Natalie M. Slemp
  • Allison L. Smith
  • Thomas E. Thomas
  • Kestrel Thorne-Kaunelis
  • Caroline G. Wagoner
  • Taylor C. Ward
  • Griffith E. Wood
  • Emily A. Wright

In order to be accepted to Psi Chi as an undergraduate student, one must:

  • be enrolled as a major or minor in a psychology program or a program psychological in nature
  • have completed at least 3 semesters or equivalent of full-time college coursework
  • have completed at least 9 semester credit hours or equivalent of psychology courses
  • have earned a cumulative GPA that is in the top 35% of their class (sophomore, junior, or senior) compared to their classmates across the entire university or the college that houses psychology (minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4-point scale)3
  • have a minimum 3.0 GPA average for psychology courses

Some of the benefits include:

  • International recognition for academic excellence in psychology.
    • Distinguished members can be found here, including Albert Bandura, B. F. Skinner, and Philip G. Zimbardo.
  • Over $400,000 are available annually in awards and grants.
  • Psi Chi’s Career Center
  • Free access to three publications:
    • Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research
    • Eye on Psi Chi
    • Psi Chi Digest

For more information, follow this link to the official Psi Chi website.

Congratulations again to our new members of Psi Chi! They’ve worked hard and we look forward to seeing what they will do in the future.

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Salem Veteran Affairs Medical Center Presentation

On March 27th from 7 pm – 8 pm in Life Science 515, Psi Chi will be hosting a presentation by researchers from Salem Veteran Affairs Medical Center for students interested in learning about their research, as well as internship opportunities!

Hope to see you there!

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Toy Like Me Dates & Delivery

Need some service hours?

Want to get involved with a worthwhile (and fun) program?

Roanoke College’s Psychology Department will be delivering modified toys February 20th-26th made to look like the children they will be going to as part of the Toy Like Me program.

There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway for specific times deliverers are needed. Primary and back-up deliverers are needed, so feel free to sign up for more than one slot if you can!

Furthermore, Construction Day will be on March 15th from 5 pm-8 pm in Patterson if you would like to get experience modifying toys (and service hours).

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Relay for Life!

Interested in doing something fun and meaningful?

Then consider signing up with the RCPA and Psi Chi team for the Relay for Life at Roanoke College on April 7th.

We would love it for anyone available to join our team and help spread the word to raise money for this cause.

Cody Dillon-Owens, incoming Psi Chi President

If you would like to sign-up or donate, please follow this link to the official site.

There will also be a booth where students will get to tie dye T-shirts, so be sure to come see us!

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UVA’s L. Starling Reid Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference

Have you recently completed a research study, are an undergraduate student, and want to present your findings at a well-regarded conference?

On Friday, April 13th, 2018, the University of Virginia’s annual L. Starling Reid Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference will occur.

This event highlights “outstanding empirical research conducted by undergraduate scholars.”

The proposal deadline has been extended to Monday, March 15th, 2018 at 8:00 am.

Accepted students will be notified by 5:00 pm on Thursday, March 22nd.

Due to the high volume of applicants and the limited number of spots available, this conference is competitive.

Presentation formats are either research talks lasting around fifteen minutes, or posters. The selection process for research talks are more competitive, but if an applicant fails to secure a research talk position, then they will automatically be considered for a poster.

The application is now live and can be found here. For more information about the conference, follow this link.

If you have any questions, please contact UVA psychology department’s Taylor Young, who is the Interim Undergraduate Coordinator. His email is

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Amanda Knox: Documentary and Conversation

Amanda Knox documentary, 23 January 2018

On Tuesday, January 23, 2018 Amanda Knox’s documentary was shown at Roanoke College in preparation for her visit the next evening.

While the room quickly filled up to watch the documentary, this would be nothing in comparison to the following night, when hundreds of people arrived at Olin Theater in order to see Amanda Knox in person.

Cards were handed out to audience members in preparation for the Q&A session following Knox’s presentation.

In her presentation, Knox described the events of the past, emphasizing why truth matters and how her experience could have easily happened to anyone.

The events were hosted by the Turk Pre-Law Program’s Gentry Locke Speaker Series, the Public Affairs Society, and Community Programs.

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Toy Like Me ’17

A Student at Oak Grove Receiving Her Toy. Original Source: Roanoke College News

Last December, Christmas was made particularly special for a class at Oak Grove Elementary School in Roanoke, Virginia.

As reported by the local WDBJ7 news station, Roanoke College students and biology professor, Dr. Frances Bosch, delivered toys they had altered to Mrs. Gruber’s special education classroom.

For children with disabilities, finding toys that look like them can be difficult and they can sometimes feel left out as a result.

As Dr. Bosch points out,

[… because only] twenty percent of the population have a disability of some sort, it is unlikely that major manufacturers would make toys to truly give every child a toy like them.

Yet, for students of this classroom, and for many other children as a result of the Toy Like Me project in Roanoke and the UK, finding toys that represent them has been made a little easier.

The Toy Like Me project at Roanoke College began when Dr. Bosch was researching for her 2015 May Term class, and she read about the Toy Like Me program started by Rebecca Atkinson in the UK.

Atkinson recognized the need for more diversified toys and started the program in order to lobby major toy manufacturers into producing toys more diverse toys.

The following year, while planning for her 2016 May Term class, Dr. Bosch decided not to wait for toy manufacturers to start diversifying their products.

I contacted Rebecca and asked if we could modify toys and give them away in the name of Toy Like Me. 

Atkinson approved.

So, the May 2016 class modified $300 worth of toys, and we gave most of them to Carilion Clinic’s Children’s Hospital in Roanoke.

Dr. Bosch helps a student during her May Term class. Source: Facebook

This was not the end, however, as this project would spark continued projects in the name of Toy Like Me at Roanoke College. As Dr. Bosch describes,

Last school year, we did a Santa Claus Toy drive, and gave away $1600 worth of toys. [We] then gave toys away for Valentine’s [Day], and again in April.

My May 2017 class modified $700 worth of toys for the Pediatric Oncology ward at UVA through RC alumna Karra (Slaughter) Lee, who is a PA in that ward.

This year’s Santa Claus toy drive saw toys go to children in several schools in Roanoke City and County.

Including Oak Grove Elementary.

Last semester, we partnered with  Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand’s Developmental Psychology classes. They modified toys with us, then participated in the delivery of toys to Oak Grove Elementary.

According to Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand, her students worked with Professor Bosch, the “heart and soul of the program” in order modify the toys based on each individual student.

If someone is in a wheelchair, a doll can be modified to include a wheelchair; if a child has a feeding tube, a tube can be inserted in toys; if a child wears glasses or has crutches, they add those […]

RC Students and Dr. FVN introducing themselves at Oak Grove. Not Mine: Roanoke College News, David Matheny

For Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand, the Toy Like Me program was “a memorable experience” as she “loved seeing the kids get so surprised and excited over the toys, and it was a great opportunity for my students as well.”

Dr. Bosch notes plans to partner with Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand’s class again this semester, as well as with Psi Chi, the Honors Society for psychology.

Tenure Track Professor Candidate Research Talk

The Psychology Department would like to invite the campus community to attend a presentation by Dane Hilton, a candidate for a tenure track professor in the department, on the “Social Functioning and the Executive System: Improving Theory, Informing Intervention” TODAY in Life Science 402 at 4:00 pm.

For more information, please contact Dr. Buchholz.

Hope to see you there!

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School Outreach Program

Last December, Roanoke College’s psychology department hosted a school outreach program. Students were able to learn more about psychology through group sessions with individual professors and were able to see first-hand how optical illusions work through an experiment. Following this, students were also able to enjoy a lunch with both psychology professors and current psychology majors at Roanoke.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the program. It looks like it was a lot of fun!

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Summer Internship Opportunity at Florida International University

Interested in working with children in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, or Elementary age groups? Want to be a Counselor, Classroom Aide, or Researcher? Looking for a chance to earn an internship credit?

Then consider applying to the Children’s Summer Treatment Program for children with ADHD or other related impairments at the Florida International University.

The Summer Treatment Program (STP) is a comprehensive program for children with ADHD and related behavioral, emotional and learning challenges. The STP has successfully helped more than 3,000 children and families and is composed of evidence-based intensive treatments incorporated into an eight-week therapeutic summer camp setting. Group and tailored individual treatment plans are focused on improving problem-solving, academic functioning and social skills—while also incorporating recreational, age-appropriate games and group activities.

The STP has been named a  Model Program in Child and Family Mental Health by the American Psychological Association, and has been named the program of the year by CHADD, the national parent advocacy group for children with ADHD. Students who have worked with FIU and the STP have said that it is an incredibly rewarding. hands-on experience, with huge contributions to their professional development. The program is also helpful in continuing onto graduate school and careers, such as clinical psychopathology, pharmacology, and psychotherapy.

More information about the Summer Treatment Program and the Center for Children and Families can be found here. Information about applications can be found here.

Applications for all positions are competitive so students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

If you are considering applying to this program, please contact Dr. Camac about earning an internship credit.


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A Successful Poster Session

Several psychology students were recently able to present their research at the psychology poster session on December 7th. There was plenty of pizza and drinks for everyone. Great job presenting and thanks to everyone that came!

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New Majors Signing In

During New Majors’ Orientation with Dr. Powell, students were recently able to sign their names “into the major” on a poster which includes the names of all other current psychology majors.

The poster is located down the main hallway of the Psychology Department, on the right.

For students who recently declared a psychology major but who weren’t able to make it to this semester’s orientations, never fear! There will be sessions in the spring as well.

Congratulations to our new Psychology Majors! We’re incredibly excited to welcome you into the “Get Psyched” fold here at Roanoke!

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Upcoming Poster Session (Dec. 7th)

There is an upcoming poster session on December 7th from 12-to-1 pm in Fintel Library for anyone interested (including students in need of SONA credits).

Hope to see you there!

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Psi Chi Movie Night

On Tuesday, December 5th at 7:00 in Life Science 515, Psi Chi will be hosting their annual Movie Night! This year’s movie is Girl, Interrupted.  This is a great chance to relax before finals and hang out with other psych students and professors! Snacks will be provided.

Hope to see you there!

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Interested in Becoming a Professional Counselor?

If you are considering becoming a professional counselor, then look into attending the Virginia Tech Counselor Education Open House on Friday, November 3rd. The event will last from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and you can drop-in anytime to chat with students and faculty and to tour the facilities.

Interested? Please RSVP by emailing:


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Psychology Internship Information Session


Interested in internships? Then join us on Thursday, November 2nd, from 11:45 to 1:00 in Life Science 502 for an information session  to learn about the different opportunities available, as well as their requirements and deadlines, and much, much more!

Pizza will be provided, but please bring your own drink.

RSVP by Wednesday, November 1, noon, to 540-375-2462, or to


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Out of the Darkness Walk for Suicide Prevention

On Saturday, October 7th, 2017, Roanoke College hosted an Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk. Students, professors, locals, and students from other universities all participated in the walk.

Thank you to everyone who came on Saturday!

Out of the Darkness Community Walk: A Walk to Fight Suicide

On Saturday, October 7th beginning with registration at 10 am in the Cregger Center, Roanoke College will be hosting the Out of the Darkness Community Walk to help fight suicide. Following registration, the walk will start at the back quad beginning at 11 am.

If you would like to participate in the walk, then please register today through the link in the flyer. RCPA and Psi Chi Students will also be there to help support the event and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

This event is part of Mental Health Awareness Week sponsored by Roanoke College’s Student Health and Counseling Services.

Other activities hosted this week include a Suicide in the Media Discussion Panel on Tuesday, Oct. 3 from 6:30- 8 pm in Massengill Auditorium which is open to all, followed by a Mental Health Education Fair and Free Depression Screening Event on Thursday, Oct. 5th from 5-7 pm in the WELL (Alumni 216).

For this latter event, students can call Student Health and Counseling Services (540-375-2286) to schedule a screening or they can drop-in. Screenings are confidential. 

If you’re interested in any of these activities and want to learn more, there will be a table set up on Monday (10/2) and Wednesday (10/4) outside of Commons where information will be provided and ribbons for Mental Health Awareness will be given out.

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Fall 2017 Research Showcase

Sabrina McAlister ’18, pictured above, showcases her findings at the 2017 Research Showcase in Fintel Library on 9/22/2017

Sabrina McAlister, a senior at Roanoke College who was previously featured on our site and recently interviewed by our college’s research blog, presents her findings on time perception at the Research Showcase in Fintel Library on September 22, 2017. (The link to the interview by Marcus Stewart can be found at the bottom of the page.)

Megan Miller ’18, another senior psychology student, presented her findings on moral decision making through focusing on self-driving cars. Her project included the results from her survey on SONA, in which students were asked various questions regarding their views on self-driving cars and whether or not they believed these cars were an ethical means to reduce car-related fatalities.

The showcase, featuring research projects from all academic disciplines, kicks off the beginning of the Family Weekend for Roanoke College students and their families.

We’re proud of our psychology students for presenting their intriguing and well-researched projects and we look forward to what more findings will be discovered!

For more information regarding McAlister’s project on time perception, please follow the link below:


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Eastern Psychological Association

Attention Psychology Students:

The Eastern Psychological Association is being held in Philadelphia on March 1 – 3, 2018. Please consider submitting a poster proposal. Students should talk to their research advisors/mentors or research seminar professors if they have an idea for a submission. Submission guidelines and the FAQ page can be found here and here respectively.

The early and encouraged deadline for undergraduates is November 15, 2017, with the last possible chance to submit a proposal on December 1, 2017. Spots are very limited so please submit any proposals as early as possible.

There is a one-time only due of $30 for students, due by February 20, 2018. To pay, please go to, click on “Join EPA,” then “Members Only,” and finally “Associate Proposals” to submit your proposal. Dues will take 48 hours to process.

The EPA is also “going green” this year as it will once again use a free app, which contains the entire program. To obtain a hardcopy of the program, a $5 charge is put in place.

Rooms can be reserved at the EPA group rate of $212 (plus taxes) until February 6, 2018 by following the link: Reservations can be made also by calling the hotel (1-877-901-6632) and requesting the group rate for EPA2018.

Students are strongly are encouraged to consider submitting proposals – this is an awesome opportunity to share what you’ve been working hard on, and a way to network and amp up CV’s and resumes!


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Preparing For Graduate School: A Q&A Session

Come out to Massengill Auditorium on September 21st to enjoy a Q&A session with graduate students from Virginia Tech. Please RSVP by emailing Dr. Osterman at All are welcome!

There will be free pizza!


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Meet the New Psych Professors

Join us on Thursday, September 14th, from 4:30 – 5:30 in Life Science 502 and meet the new professors, Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand and Dr. Travis Carter!


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Annual Wii Dance Party

The Psychology Department will be hosting their annual Wii dance party this Wednesday, May 3 in Life Science 502 from 2-4pm. All students are invited who have taken a Psychology course or are friends with someone who has taken a Psychology course or think they know someone who may have taken a course with a Psychology professor.


Witness to Innocence Follow Up

On Tuesday, March 28th, Sabrina Butler-Porter visited Roanoke College to talk to students about being an exonerated death row inmate as an advocate of the Witness to Innocence Project.

Witness to Innocence (WTI) is the only national organization in the United States composed of and led by exonerated death row survivors and their family members. The mission of WTI is to abolish the death penalty by empowering exonerated death row survivors and their loved ones to become effective leaders in the abolition movement. WTI actively challenges political leaders and the public to grapple with the reality of a fatally flawed criminal justice system that sends innocent people to death row. WTI also seeks ways to support death row survivors and their loved ones as they confront the challenges of life after exoneration.

RC students filled up Massengill auditorium to hear her story and we were extremely thankful for the time and commitment Sabrina, WTI, and all of the sponsoring RC groups on campus that helped to make this event possible!

Here is the link to Sabrina’s book if you are interested!


Psi Chi Congratulations

As the year winds down, the Psychology department would like to welcome and congratulate 29 of its newest members of our Psychology Honor Society, Psi Chi. Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, which was founded in 1929 for the purposes of “encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology.”

Members have access to wide number of resources, including scholarships, grants, and discounted services!


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Alumni Reception – April 8th, 2017

The Psychology Department will be hosting an alumni reception during Alumni Weekend (Saturday, April 8th) in Lucas Library (215) and on the adjacent outdoor balcony from 4:00 to 5:30pm. We are excited to see our returning alumni at this event.

Please stop by for some drinks, snacks, and fun activities with the Psychology Department!

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Neuroscience Cluster Meeting

On Thursday, March 2nd from 4:00-5:00pm in Monterrey, there will be a fairly informal, discussion of neuroscience things of interest to people and planning for an external neuroscience guest speaker in April.

Snacks and drinks will be provided.

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The Psychology of Stress!

stress-infographic-previewRCPA is hosting an event! Dr. Whitson will be giving a talk on “The Psychology of Stress,”followed by a stress-ball-making activity. It will be at 7pm on November 16th (Wednesday) in Life Science 502. Snacks will be provided!


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Virginia Psychological Science and Human Services Graduate School Fair

You are invited to the

Virginia Psychological Science and Human Services

Graduate School Fair


Thursday, October 13: 3-6 p.m 

Kline Campus Center, Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, VA

Registration Fee:  Free

Students and alumni from all Virginia colleges and universities are invited to participate.

Register by emailing Sherry Talbott, Director of Career Services at
Questions?  Please contact Sherry Talbott at 540-828-5369 or

We look forward to seeing you!


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