Jacob Johnson and Kevin Watermen of the Rhetoric and Social Perception (RASP) Lab recently passed the Integrative Complexity coding test!

Integrative Complexity (IC) is used to assess the underlying complexity of thought. Research with IC has evaluated political leaders, terrorist groups, voting preferences, and perceptions of war. IC is a scoring system on a scale from 1(very simple) to 7(very complex). This scale represents the degree to which rhetoric (a) uses differentiated dimensions and (b) subsequently integrates those dimensions into a larger structure.
Training to be an IC coder is a 4 week intensive process requiring a high degree of analytical skill and attention to detail. Certification requires coders to have a reliability scores of α=.85 or better with an expert complexity coder. Both Johnson and Waterman passed with flying colors!
Please join us in congratulating them on this accomplishment!
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