Midterms are here again, bringing a whirlwind of assignments, exams, and stress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone! The good news? Psychology offers some strategies to help ease your anxiety and improve focus. Here are a few unconventional yet effective techniques, taken from Danielle Elzweig’s article for Spectrum (Elzweig, 2022).

1. Reframe Anxiety as Excitement
Feeling those pre-exam nerves? Instead of telling yourself to “calm down,” try shifting your mindset. Studies suggest it’s easier to reframe anxiety as excitement since both are high-arousal emotions. By focusing on what could go well rather than what could go wrong, you can boost confidence and performance.
2. Chew Gum for Better Recall
Your high school teachers may have banned it, but research shows that chewing gum while studying and again during an exam can enhance memory retrieval. The simple act of chewing increases blood flow and alertness while also lowering stress levels—small but significant perks when tackling tough exams.
3. Engage in Physical Activity (Yes, Even Sex!)
Any form of exercise, including sex, can help with cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain and stimulating cell growth in the hippocampus—an area crucial for learning and memory. Even a quick workout before studying can sharpen focus and improve short-term memory.
4. Breathe Smarter, Not Harder
The classic advice to “take a deep breath” may not be the best for reducing stress. Instead, focus on extending your exhales. Breathing in for four seconds and exhaling for eight helps slow the heart rate and relax the nervous system, leading to improved decision-making and overall calmness.
5. Laugh Away Stress
Laughter isn’t just a mood booster—it’s a physiological stress reliever. Watching a funny video or sharing a joke with a friend can lower stress hormones and leave you feeling more relaxed. So, the next time you’re overwhelmed, take a short break for a good laugh.
Midterms may be stressful, but with these psychological hacks, you can help your brain work for you instead of against you. Best of luck!
Elzweig, D. (2022, October 31). Psychological tricks to get you through exam season. Columbia Spectator. https://www.columbiaspectator.com/spectrum/2022/10/31/psychological-tricks-to-get-you-through-exam-season/
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