Surviving Midterms: Psychological Tips to Reduce Stress and Boost Performance

Midterms are here again, bringing a whirlwind of assignments, exams, and stress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone! The good news? Psychology offers some strategies to help ease your anxiety and improve focus. Here are a few unconventional yet effective techniques, taken from Danielle Elzweig’s article for Spectrum (Elzweig, 2022).

1. Reframe Anxiety as Excitement

Feeling those pre-exam nerves? Instead of telling yourself to “calm down,” try shifting your mindset. Studies suggest it’s easier to reframe anxiety as excitement since both are high-arousal emotions. By focusing on what could go well rather than what could go wrong, you can boost confidence and performance.

2. Chew Gum for Better Recall

Your high school teachers may have banned it, but research shows that chewing gum while studying and again during an exam can enhance memory retrieval. The simple act of chewing increases blood flow and alertness while also lowering stress levels—small but significant perks when tackling tough exams.

3. Engage in Physical Activity (Yes, Even Sex!)

Any form of exercise, including sex, can help with cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain and stimulating cell growth in the hippocampus—an area crucial for learning and memory. Even a quick workout before studying can sharpen focus and improve short-term memory.

4. Breathe Smarter, Not Harder

The classic advice to “take a deep breath” may not be the best for reducing stress. Instead, focus on extending your exhales. Breathing in for four seconds and exhaling for eight helps slow the heart rate and relax the nervous system, leading to improved decision-making and overall calmness.

5. Laugh Away Stress

Laughter isn’t just a mood booster—it’s a physiological stress reliever. Watching a funny video or sharing a joke with a friend can lower stress hormones and leave you feeling more relaxed. So, the next time you’re overwhelmed, take a short break for a good laugh.

Midterms may be stressful, but with these psychological hacks, you can help your brain work for you instead of against you. Best of luck!


Elzweig, D. (2022, October 31). Psychological tricks to get you through exam season. Columbia Spectator.

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National School Counseling Week: Spotlight on Roanoke College’s Team

As part of National School Counseling Week, we’re excited to highlight the incredible work of Roanoke College’s counseling team. These dedicated professionals provide essential support to students, helping them navigate challenges, prioritize mental health, and make the most of their college experience.

Meet Some of Our Counselors

Mollie Guzo (right) and Callie Bingen (left), two of Roanoke College’s counselors, bring unique experiences and deep passion to their roles. Both were drawn to counseling out of a desire to help others, particularly young adults navigating the transitional period of college. Mollie’s career has included work in inpatient psychiatric hospitals, community service boards, and private practice, but she has always been particularly drawn to late adolescents and young adults. Callie, on the other hand, realized early in her undergraduate career that college students needed greater mental health support, which set her on a path to becoming a college counselor.

The Rewards of Counseling

For both Mollie and Callie, the most rewarding part of their work is seeing students grow and transform throughout their time at Roanoke. Witnessing students gain confidence, build resilience, and make progress in their mental health journeys reinforces the importance of their work. Callie describes counseling as being about “the small victories”—the daily wins that show meaningful progress in a student’s well-being.

The Impact of Counseling

While no single moment defines their work, both counselors emphasize how rewarding it is to hear from students about how counseling has positively impacted their lives. The ability to connect with students, hear their stories, and be part of their journey is something they deeply value.

Taking Care of Mental Health

Supporting others requires prioritizing self-care, and both Mollie and Callie practice what they preach. Mollie recharges by spending time outdoors, sustainable farming, traveling, attending live music events, and connecting with friends and family. Callie makes sure to maintain healthy habits, such as exercising, spending time outside, getting good sleep, and engaging in hobbies like reading and crocheting.

What Students Should Know

One of the biggest messages both counselors want students to understand is that counseling is for everyone—no concern is too small. Seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Roanoke College offers in-person counseling as well as 24/7 access to a counselor through TimelyCare, which students can use even during breaks.

Looking Ahead

Both Mollie and Callie are committed to growing and evolving the counseling program to meet students’ changing needs. Their goal is to make mental health support feel as accessible, safe, and welcoming as possible for every student.

This National School Counseling Week, we celebrate and appreciate the work of our counseling team. Their dedication, empathy, and expertise play a vital role in supporting our students, and we encourage everyone to take advantage of the valuable resources they offer!

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