Laura Lenviel, formerly Laura Karlgren, announces her marriage to Claire Lenviel on May 26, 2013. Congrats! We wish you health and happiness. Please visit us when you can!
The psychology department graduated 50 students receiving their B.A. and 14 receiving their B.S this year. We also had 7 students receive honors in the major and 8 inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. I can’t help but think how proud Dr. Curt Camac would be of these achievements.
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Lauren Stinespring, Rita Yoe, Taylor Smiley, and Chava Urecki examined the effects of violent music and gender on aggression.
Courtney McKern, Lauren Miller, Hunter Gentry, and Ben Gilson examined the effects of text format and notetaking strategy on test scores.
Tori Long, Eden Caldwell, Amanda Newman, Brandon Turner and Julia Florea examined the effects of personality and performance evaluation on academic performance.
Emily Gaston, Ginny Keith, Julia Boudrye, and Breanna Wright examined the effects of personality and misattribution of arousal on attraction.
Carmen Graves, Katy Hurst, Alexis Coyne, and Emily Rinker examined the effects of health behavior, natural stimuli, and optimism on willpower.
Yuki Yamazaki, Kristen Robinson, Kacy Dillon, and Hazel Smitson examined the effects of encoding strategy and presentation order on memory for foreign language words.
Cortlandt Halsey, Aldijana Mekic, Noel Weakley, and Jennifer Klenzman examined whether consuming a candy thought to aid or harm recall actually effected recall performance.
Kiel Van Ness, Colleen Weber, Anne Watson and Caroline Casey examined the effects of music and mood on attraction.
Rosie Knisley, Taylor Smiley, Kelsey Collett, and Ashlyn Bailey examined whether academic self-regulation efforts would offset the deleterious effects of cell phone distractions.
James Seelye, Jordyn Woods, and Allison Williams examined whether flirtatious Facebook messages amplified jealousy contingent on post location.
Cortlandt Halsey – pictured with a baby because it is the development award
Rita Yoe.
This award is given annually to the student who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in the human development concentration and has shown potential for continued success in the field of developmental psychology.
Yuki Yamazaki! Yuki was the VP of Psi Chi this year. As such, she organized a number of events, including service activities and induction.
The Roanoke College Chapter of Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in psychology, selects from its membership a student who has best exemplified excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service. A gift and certificate are given by Psi Chi.
Julia Boudrye. Julia is recognized for her scholarship. She has been a member of Dr. Friedman’s lab and the URAP program for four years. She has presented at a number of conferences, regional and national, has completed research practicums, independent studies, and honors in the major. Additionally, she has served as the lab coordinator for the past year.
Chava Urecki. Chava has been a member of Dr. Buchholz’s lab and the URAP program for the last four years. She has been lab manager for the past two years, conducting her own independent research and overseeing underclassmen. She has presented at several conferences and recently defended her honors thesis!
The faculty selects a psychology major to receive the Karl W. Beck Memorial Prize, which is given for excellence in psychology. The recipient is awarded a prize of money, which is made possible by gifts of friends in memory of the late Dr. Karl W. Beck, professor and first chairperson of the Roanoke College Psychology Department. The recipient’s name is engraved on a plaque which is located in the department reception room.