The world’s first international conference on the application of precision medicine to brain research, brain health and disease will be held in Roanoke, Virginia on Wednesday, October 5 through Friday, October 7, 2016.
The Virginia-Nordic Precision Neuroscience Conference will bring together leading brain researchers, clinicians and physician-scientists from across the U.S., including from major Virginia universities and health systems and from leading Nordic universities and health systems with thought leaders from the pharmaceutical industry and the National Institutes of Health.
Speakers include a Nobel laureate, a winner of the Lundbeck Foundation International Brain Prize, the Director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and the Scientific Director of the Division of Intramural Research Programs at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) who will discuss the latest breakthroughs in basic, translational and clinical neuroscience with an individualized perspective. Speakers and panelists will consider the technical advances, the promise, opportunity and the challenges related to the actualization of precision medicine in neuroscience.
The conference is being hosted by the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute (VTCRI – http://research.vtc.vt.edu/) in beautiful Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A. Information on registration, poster submissions, accommodations, CME credit along with details of the entire program can be found at www.vnpn.org
Faculty, undergraduate, graduate and medical students, fellows, postdocs, residents and science/health leaders at all career stages are welcome. Attendance and meals at the meeting are free but you must pre-register for the meeting.
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