In 2019, the Psychology and Biology Department’s very own Ellen Dyer received the STAR Award!
“I was quite surprised and felt very honored to get [the STAR] Award. It’s nice to know that you are appreciated” said Ellen when asked on how she felt upon receiving the award.
The “Service to All Roanoke” or STAR is given annually to Roanoke College employees who have an “outstanding positive influence” on the College campus and with their local community as well, going above and beyond what is required.
The STAR Award is competitive, with only one recipient chosen from each employee category: exempt, non-exempt, and hourly.
Dr. Osterman, who wrote the nomination for Ellen, said this:
Ellen is amazing, embodying the perfect intersection of competence and kindness. We have all been hopeful that she would win the STAR Award for a number of years now and we were so thrilled to see her recognized for all of the outstanding work that she does with us. We’re really lucky to have her.

Dr. Buchholz, department chair of the Psychology department, agreed, saying:
Ellen is amazing! She is essential to the daily functioning of the Psychology (and Biology) departments. She is kind, considerate, and a really great human being. She is truly deserving of this award.
Ellen has worked at Roanoke College for eighteen years, originally as the athletics secretary and currently as the secretary for the psychology and biology departments. She keeps the departments running smoothly, efficiently, while also remembering birthdays and special occasions.
Dr. Osterman adds that Ellen provides “not only the help that we need, but the support we didn’t know we needed.”
Don’t know how to complete that reimbursement form? Ellen’s got your back. Scheduling crisis? Ellen is there. Student’s toe is bleeding? No worries—Ellen is always ready with bandages. Copier not working? Ellen’s mere presence will coax it back from disrepair. Forget something that you didn’t even know you needed to remember? Ellen will let you know. Need a report “at some point, no rush?” It’s in your hand before you’ve finished requesting it.
During the holidays, student assistants will walk into work and find little goody bags filled with candy or the famed homemade white chocolate pretzel mix. On birthdays, cupcakes or other sweet treats await. Ellen also keeps the candy stocked within the study rooms.
Maddie McCall, 2018 Roanoke College graduate, offers her congratulations, adding that:
As a psychology student, and especially as a Student Assistant to the department, I could always count on Ellen to have an encouraging word, a kind smile, and not to mention really great Christmas trail mix. So whether it’s “superhero,” “wizard,” or “Roanoke College STAR Award Winner,” it’s important to know that Ellen Dyer is a cornerstone to Life Science and Roanoke College. Congratulations, Ellen.
In the end, Ellen truly is an indispensable employee of Roanoke College and especially for the Psychology and Biology departments. She is well deserving of the Roanoke College STAR Award and we are grateful for everything that she does.
Congratulations once again to Ms. Ellen Dyer, as well as to Mr. Rick Fox and Ms. Sandy McGhee for winning the 2019 STAR Award.