April 19 to April 25 is APA and GSA’s careers in aging week! Psychology of aging focuses on applying knowledge and methods of psychology to understanding and helping older adults and their families to achieve well-being in later life. If you are interested in working with older adults and want to learn more then follow this
link! Likewise, if this is a topic that interests you then check out
Adult Development and Aging (PSYC-323), a course that is being offered this fall and likely will not be offered again until Fall 2022.
Furthermore, if you are interested overall in human development then check out the human development concentration that is offered at Roanoke College! The human development concentration exposes students to the broader life-span perspective and allows students to focus on the stages (e.g., childhood, adolescence, adulthood) and the topics most applicable to their personal or professional goals.
For more information on the human development concentration, reach out to Dr. Powell or Dr. FVN!