In this post, recent alumna Lauren Furlow discusses what she has been up to since graduating from Roanoke College. She is currently attending graduate school and has an interest in researching within the field of LGBTQ+ psychology and spiritual trauma. Lauren also had some kind words to say to current Roanoke College students, and would love to give some advice on life after college.
Tell us about yourself. What are you up to now?
I am a first-year graduate student at Marshall University in the PsyD program. When looking at graduate programs, I searched the APA website for accredited programs in the area & type of program I wanted to study.

How did the pandemic impact your plans for after Roanoke College?
Thankfully, I was not impacted too much. Some of my classes are still in-person but a few are virtual.
What was your graduation like? Did you get to step on the seal?
I was a December 2019 graduate. I was not planning to attend the graduation ceremony in May, 2020 so COVID-19 didn’t change anything for me.
What has been your favorite part of life since graduation?
I moved to West Virginia in May of 2020 and I adopted a puppy in June! His name is Malakai and he is a lab-mix.

Where do you hope to be in the future?
Next year, I hope to have been successful in my first year of graduate school and studying for my master’s test! I will also be starting to work with patients in a clinical setting. In 5 years, (I hope) I am finishing my internship placement and looking for a full-time job after applying for my license to practice clinical psychology.
Do you have any advice and/or uplifting words for students at Roanoke College now?
Your professors understand what an unusual time this is. If you are struggling, you are most definitely NOT the only one. Talk to your professors, they want to help you and they want to see you succeed.
Thank you, Lauren, for taking the time to answer our questions and congratulations on graduate school. We look forward to hearing about how it goes in the future and will continue to cheer you on!