Taylor Kracht successfully defended her Honors in the Major project entitled “Media Consumption: Association with Expectations and Implicit Theories of Romantic Relationships” under the supervision of Dr. Darcey Powell. Congratulations, Taylor!
Abstract: It is proposed, by this study, that romantic media can influence romantic beliefs, expectations, and partner idealizations. Participants were emerging adults from a small liberal arts college, Roanoke College. They first completed a pre-video survey (N = 121) assessing their prior romantic media exposure and their current romantic beliefs, relationship expectations, and partner idealizations. Participants then came into a lab and watched one of three videos; two romantic and one non-romantic. Immediately after the video they filled out a post-video survey (N = 81) assessing their romantic media exposure, romantic beliefs, relationship expectations, and partner idealizations. Overall, it was found that romantic beliefs had an influence on certain relationship expectations. It was also found that the assigned romantic media had a significant influence on the change in romantic beliefs. However, there were no significant results, for either prior media consumption or assigned media, influencing relationship expectations or partner idealizations.
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