Category Archives: Mid Terms

Surviving Midterms: Psychological Tips to Reduce Stress and Boost Performance

Midterms are here again, bringing a whirlwind of assignments, exams, and stress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone! The good news? Psychology offers some strategies to help ease your anxiety and improve focus. Here are a few unconventional yet effective techniques, taken from Danielle Elzweig’s article for Spectrum (Elzweig, 2022).

1. Reframe Anxiety as Excitement

Feeling those pre-exam nerves? Instead of telling yourself to “calm down,” try shifting your mindset. Studies suggest it’s easier to reframe anxiety as excitement since both are high-arousal emotions. By focusing on what could go well rather than what could go wrong, you can boost confidence and performance.

2. Chew Gum for Better Recall

Your high school teachers may have banned it, but research shows that chewing gum while studying and again during an exam can enhance memory retrieval. The simple act of chewing increases blood flow and alertness while also lowering stress levels—small but significant perks when tackling tough exams.

3. Engage in Physical Activity (Yes, Even Sex!)

Any form of exercise, including sex, can help with cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain and stimulating cell growth in the hippocampus—an area crucial for learning and memory. Even a quick workout before studying can sharpen focus and improve short-term memory.

4. Breathe Smarter, Not Harder

The classic advice to “take a deep breath” may not be the best for reducing stress. Instead, focus on extending your exhales. Breathing in for four seconds and exhaling for eight helps slow the heart rate and relax the nervous system, leading to improved decision-making and overall calmness.

5. Laugh Away Stress

Laughter isn’t just a mood booster—it’s a physiological stress reliever. Watching a funny video or sharing a joke with a friend can lower stress hormones and leave you feeling more relaxed. So, the next time you’re overwhelmed, take a short break for a good laugh.

Midterms may be stressful, but with these psychological hacks, you can help your brain work for you instead of against you. Best of luck!


Elzweig, D. (2022, October 31). Psychological tricks to get you through exam season. Columbia Spectator.

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Midterm Stress Relief

Are you feeling the pressure of midterms week on the Roanoke College campus? Don’t worry, you are not alone! In this blog post, we will look at some of the resources available on campus to help manage stress and make midterms week a bit more bearable. Midterm week can be a stressful time for college students, but it doesn’t have to be. With the help of Roanoke College’s campus resources, students can practice self-care and find strategies to manage their stress levels during this hectic time. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, read on to find out how you can make midterms week a little less stressful.

Make your best efforts to adhere to the following reminders:

  • Manage your time! Whether this be in consideration of course work, exercise, sleep, mental health needs, etc., make a plan of when you’re going to set aside time for each of these to-dos and stick to your schedule!
  • Learn to say no! Manage your expectations for yourself and learn to prioritize certain needs/responsibilities over others.
  • Get quality sleep!  We know that sleep is beneficial for our mental and physical wellbeing. Make it a priority this week in order to be a better version of yourself. You, and others, will be happier if you do this!
  • Take breaks! Studying for hours on end can become ineffective at a certain rate. Take 5-15-minute breaks when you start to catch yourself dozing off or not entirely focused on the material. Get some fresh air, go on a short walk, grab a healthy snack, chat with a friend and take a deep breath… it’s almost fall break!

Below is a schedule of events/activities being hosted on campus within the next week. While you’re creating a schedule for yourself, block out some time to attend at least 1 of the following events. Your brain and body will be glad that you did!


Out of the Darkness Walk – A community walk to raise awareness and funding for suicide prevention and mental health awareness. Check-in is at 9:00am and the opening ceremony begins at 10:00am.

Register here:


4:00-5:00 – Cycle Jam (Alumni 211)


4:45-5:45 – Spin Class (Alumni 211)

7:30-8:30 – Line Dance (Bast 109)

  • Learned and review a variety of line dance songs.


12:00-2:00 – Pickleball with students, faculty and staff (Bast Gym)

  • No equipment needed!

4:30-5:15 – Meditation Sound Bath Session #1 (Colket Center Ballroom)

  • Listening to music helps you relax and release stress.
  • Sign Up at the Info Desk

5:00-6:00 – Body Pump (Bast 109)

  • Total body workout class using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition.

5:30-6:15 – Meditation Sound Bath Session #2 (Colket Center Ballroom)

  • Listening to music helps you relax and release stress.
  • Sign Up at the Info Desk

6:15-7:15 – Lower Body Sculpt (Bast 109)

  • Focuses on movements that target and strengthen the muscles in and around your legs/glutes.
  • Some cardio involved.

7:30-8:15 – Mindfulness Meditation and Stretching (Bast 109)

  • Guides you through breathing and meditational exercises.
  • Relieves mental stress and improves concentration.
  • Involves gentle yoga, stretching and more!


4:45-5:45 – Kickboxing (Bast 109)

  • Cardio style class using kickboxing techniques to have a good workout.


12:00-2:00 – Pickleball with students, faculty and staff (Bast Gym)

  • No equipment needed!

4:45-5:45 – Body Pump (Bast 109)

  • Total body workout class using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition.

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Instagram: rcpsychology

Midterms approaching… are you prepared?

Frustrated Over It GIF by The Dude Perfect Show

The only thing scarier than Halloween this month is mid-terms. Have you started (even thinking) about studying yet? Whether you have a color-coded plan or this is the first time you’re realizing mid-terms are a thing, here are some tips and tricks to stay calm, stay smart, and ultimately ace your quickly approaching mid-terms week. Remember, you’ve got this!

Study Smarter

Have you ever really used the school’s academic resources? Please do! In addition to going to your professors’ office hours, students should check out the Goode-Pasfield Center for Learning and Teaching, which is located in the Fintel Library and is the focal point for academic counseling and academic support on campus. The staff will assist you in identifying your academic strengths and weaknesses, designing an individual study program, and resolving your academic concerns. The Center coordinates academic advising for undeclared students, the Writing Center, the Subject Tutoring Program, the RC Success Program, and Accessible Education Services. Dr. Sue Brown directs the Academic Services. Dr Sandee McGlaun directs the Writing Center. Check out this site for instructions on how to make your own study schedule.

Mix Up Your Methods

We all know that awful feeling of sitting in your dorm room and staring at assignments for too long. It is exhausting and drain us of the little motivation we have left at this point during the semester. Try switching up your study location (the library, an open classroom, off-campus coffee shops, etc.) to add some variety into your routine.

If the way you’re studying is the problem, try using an online learning tool or asking a friend to quiz you so you get a break from reviewing your notes. In fact, ask a couple of friends if they would like to get together and set up a study session. You can work on similar tasks or completely different ones – but having someone else there may help keep you accountable for the work you’re meant to be doing.

Stay Calm

Feelings of anxiety and stress are almost unavoidable for college students as a busy week approaches, but there are plenty of things you can do for yourself that will help you remain calm and, ultimately, perform better. The main thing is to get some sleep. You might be tempted to pull an all-nighter, but a good night’s sleep is key to your success. An extra hour of sleep will take you wayyyy farther than an extra hour of cramming for an exam. Next, remind yourself that you can do this. You were smart enough to make it this far, and you are smart enough to make it through mid-terms. Remember to use your support network: friends, family, and faculty and staff are here to help you make it through stressful times.

Im Okay Keeping Up With The Kardashians GIF by E!




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Getting through mid-terms

Hopefully, this is not the case for you, but if you are feeling stressed with how quick mid-terms have approached, definitely check out our tips/tricks to get through this week below!

As we approach the mid-way point to this semester, hopefully, you’re feeling less like Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell (as pictured above) and rather, prepared to tackle all your assignments in this coming week! While it may come as a shock to some that we are already half-way through this semester, we are here to help guide you through this stressful time, with some tips, tricks, and advice to make mid-terms more doable and less stressful. If you’re feeling the weight of mid-terms knocking you down, then keep reading to learn ways to get through these coming weeks successfully.

Plan ahead and tackle one thing at a time


Planning ahead and looking to see when assignments are due or when tests/quizzes are coming is a good place to start. Once you have your schedule, begin by tackling one assignment at a time. For some, that may be going in order of what is due first, for others, it may be tackling the hardest/most time-consuming assignment first. Whatever it may be, try to minimize your point of view from focusing on every assignment all at once, to focusing your attention on just one at a time. Remember, you will get everything done and if you’re feeling overwhelmed with how much you have, then keep reading to learn some additional tips/tricks to ease this feeling.

Set up a meeting with your professor

Are you having trouble understanding the assignment? Are you experiencing something else in life that is making it hard for you to complete an assignment on time? No matter what it may be regarding, professors offer a lot of advice, and odds are good that they understand their own assignments better than anyone else. That said, do not fear reaching out to your professors to get a better understanding of the assignment, for advice on how to move forward with it, or to discuss with them why you may be behind. Professors want to help in any way they can, and by planning ahead and looking over the assignment early, you can reach out and gain clarification before you too closely approach the deadline.

Meet with other classmates

If the option is there to meet with your classmates, then take it! While meeting with a professor is best practice, if you still find yourself struggling in a course, and happen to know some others in the class, reach out to see what tips/tricks they have to best tackle and complete an assignment, or ways they have found success in studying for an exam/quiz. Before doing so though, consult your course syllabus for the professors’ policies on meeting with other classmates, and as always, keep Academic integrity policies in mind.

Study with friends

Create study sessions with friends! Whether you set up hammocks on the back quad, head to Mill Mountain Coffee, or meet in the library, studying and completing assignments alongside friends can sometimes lead to greater productivity, or at least can take some stress off.

Take part in Yoga


Yoga has been linked through research to a reduction in stress and enhanced relaxation. Roanoke College group fitness currently offers two yoga classes

Virtual Yoga: Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30 PM (Must RSVP online to receive Zoom Link

In-person Yoga: (Bast 138) on Thursdays from 8:15-9:00 PM. 

If neither of these dates and times works for you, there are also various resources online where you can follow an instructor on your own time.

Do something you enjoy

Whether it be reading a book, listening to music, getting exercise, playing an instrument, or playing video games, make sure you take time between completing assignments and studying to do something you enjoy!

Practice self-care


Above all else, make sure you practice self-care during this time. Simple things such as getting a good night’s sleep, showering, eating well-balanced meals, and taking time to do things you enjoy will make the world of difference during mid-terms. While some days it may seem impossible, there is always some time you can take for yourself to take care of yourself.

We hope this blog helps you get through mid-terms with a bit more ease and as always, the psychology department will be cheering you on through these next few weeks!




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