Ben Campbell, class of 2022, completed a project titled Effects of Elicited Jealousy on Threatened Masculinity and Relational Aggression in Emerging Adult Men. This project was supervised by Dr. Findley-Van Nostrand and Ben received a grant for his research from Psi Chi!
Below is the abstract so you can learn more about the study and all of the great work Ben did!
“This paper is a two-study investigation of the effects of jealousy on threatened masculinity and relational aggression use in emerging adult men (Study 1, age 18-25, N = 151;Study 2, N = 163). The project aimed to expand on previous literature of precarious manhood theory (Vandello et al., 2008) and jealousy (DeSteno et al., 2006), but examining relational aggression instead of overt forms. The goal of Study 1 was to see if friendship jealousy with a friendship dyad affected felt masculinity and relational aggression use. Study 2 aimed to expand on findings from Study 1, and investigate if there were also differences based on friend group size (i.e., friendship dyad vs friend group). A jealousy manipulation was created to elicit feelings of friendship jealousy on feelings of threatened masculinity and relational aggression. Results from Study 1 found that participants in the jealousy condition reported feeling less masculine, used more relational aggression towards their peer, and also felt several negative emotions(anger, distress, discomfort, threatened). Study 2 findings replicated those of Study 1, but also found that relational aggression was particularly high for those who felt jealousy within the context of a friendship group, rather than friendship dyad, and threatened masculinity mediated the effect of jealousy on relational aggression use. This project provides evidence that men feeling jealousy towards a friend, or group of friends, may result in an increased threat to their masculinity, and cause them to be more relationally aggressive towards their friend(s).”
I asked Ben about his experience doing this project and he said,
“This experience has been amazing. I worked on this project for over a year, so being able to present the final product felt incredible. I’m so happy to have had such a supportive group of faculty and friends to show interest in and listen to the findings and importance of my study!”
Ben, your future is bright and we cannot wait to see what is in store for you!