SYNAPSE Conference 2015

Nichols Lab Picture 2

Dr. Nichols, Dr. Allen, and Dr. Shenal assisted students in neuroscience-based research and a few of those students got to present their findings at the SYNAPSE conference! They went to the University of North Carolina at Asheville and represented Roanoke College.

Stephanie Shields, Caitlin Morse, and Dr. Nichols also presented on the effect of attractiveness and facial expression on EEG responses.

[Shields, S.M., Arrington, P., Morse, C.E., & Nichols, D.F. (2015, March). There’s something about a smile: Effect of attractiveness and facial expression on EEG responses. Poster presented at the SYNAPSE conference, Asheville, NC.]

Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors


Congratulations to Alexandra Grant, Diane Nguyen, Joana Peders, Christy Blevins, & Brandy Plouff. They received the award for Outstanding Junior Psychology Majors. This award is given to the junior student or students deemed by the faculty as having demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and potential for continued success in Psychology.

Congratulations Ladies & Keep up the good work!

Nicole Hurless


Nicole Hurless

“I’m about to finish up my first year as a graduate student in the clinical psychology department of Saint Louis University. I’ll be proposing my master’s thesis in the summer and taking a trip to Peru in July for an international psychology conference, which I am very excited about!”
– Nicole


SYNAPSE Conference 2015

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Dr. Nichols, Dr. Allen, and Dr. Shenal assisted students in neuroscience-based research and a few of those students got to present their findings at the SYNAPSE conference! They went to the University of North Carolina at Asheville and represented Roanoke College.

Caitlin Morse, Stephanie Shields, and Dr. Nichols presented on “An exploration on the reduction of artifacts in EEG studies.” 

[Shields, S.M., Morse, C.E., & Nichols, DF. (2015, March). An exploration on the reduction of artifacts in EEG studies. Poster presented at the SYNAPSE conference, Asheville, NC.]

Recognizing Graduating Seniors: Lydia Fujimura

Lydia Fujimura 2015


Lydia is attending Vanguard University’s Masters of Organizational Psychology program in Costa Mesa California! She hopes to go into organizational conflict resolution involving factors such as self esteem and cultural differences.

Lydia had a hard time nailing down one class as her favorite from her time here at Roanoke. “​Every semester it changes!” she said. “I have taken so many wonderful courses here: the sociology of sex and gender, health illness and healing, the meaning of life, learning, and many others. Since it is still fresh in my mind, I would probably say Learning because Dr. Early conveys the material with both material from the book and good graphs to explain phenomena. I also loved Research Seminar because of the hands-on learning we were able to do. I really liked being able to master the material by actually using software like SPSS and conducting our own research.”

Lydia also worked in Dr. Buchholz’s research lab for 3 semesters and conducted an independent study on investigating the effect of empathy and agency on social mindfulness. Lydia is always cheerful and a pleasure to be around. She is smart and a hard worker.

Good luck, Lydia! We’ll miss you!

Psychology Department Just Dance Party

By popular demand. Almost everyone got into the dance party. Almost everyone.

The annual Psychology Department Just Dance Party has been scheduled! Join us to dance or watch on Wednesday April 29 from 2 to 3:30 in Life Sciences room 515. We really hope to see the psychology seniors there, but everyone is welcome, no matter your major. Local alums are welcome also. And we particularly welcome anyone who can beat reigning champion Dr. David Nichols.
See what we mean?

Gladfelter and Friedman to Present at UVA Pedagogy Summit

Dr. Friedman and her lab manager, Jessica Gladfelter, will be leading an interactive session entitled “Teaching & learning in the research lab: Engaging students via first-hand experience” at the UVA Pedagogy Summit in May! They will highlight the benefits of participating in faculty-student collaboration from both perspectives while outlining a model for a successful undergraduate research lab.

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Alumni Weekend is Almost Here!


The Psychology Department will be having an alumni reception over Alumni Weekend (Saturday, April 11th) on the outdoor balcony of Lucas Hall (2nd floor) from 4:00 to 5:30pm. (Rain Location: Lucas 215)

Please stop by for some drinks, snacks, and fun activities with the Psychology Department! This year we will also be honoring the years of dedicated service from Dr. Jan Lynch and Dr. Chuck Early, who will both retire at the end of this year. Contact Chris Buchholz (, 540-375-4904) for more information.

Follow us on Facebook! (

Faculty Fundraising!


On May 2nd, Dr.Camac is taking a fundraising challenge, rappelling 11 stories down the Patrick Henry Hotel to help raise money for Big Brothers/Big Sisters.  Each rappeller has to raise a minimum of $1,000 by May 1st  (or thereabouts) in order to qualify.   Donations are tax deductible and can be made online or via check or cash.

Every little bit helps!   Check it out at  Below is a link to Dr. Camac’s fundraising page.

Interested in an Internship?

Intern in the UK
Are you thinking about doing an internship next fall or spring? If so, please come to one of the informational meetings!  There are two meeting times: Thursday, April 9th at 12:00 and Friday, April 10th at 3:30.  Both are in room 501 Life Science.  Please attend even if you have already met with Dr. Macy Camac.
Because some of the internship guidelines are undergoing revision in order to comply with the Pathways Experiential Learning requirements, the website information is subject to change.  The internship meeting will include a discussion of those changes.  Two that might affect your decision are 1) that the number of hours required is now 120 (110 at the work site and 10 in meetings with the coordinator and/or your fellow interns) and 2) that you will be required to present a poster summarizing your experience at the Showcase of Experiential Learning at the end of the semester.
Please consider coming out to discuss internships!

Summer Psych Classes!


It’s not too late to sign up for classes over the summer!

Summer Term 1 (June 1st to June 26th):
Psych 270 A – Drugs & Behavior with Dr. Allen
“An examination of the mechanisms of actions, uses, effects and abuse liability of a range of drugs. Both therapeutic drugs (such as antidepressants and antipsychotics) and recreational drugs (such as alcohol, stimulants and marijuana) will be addressed.”

Summer Term 2 (June 29th to July 24th):
Psych 325 A – Social Psychology with Dr. Osterman
“Study of the influence of people on each other’s behavior, including social influence and social interaction.

Psych 450 A – History of Psychology with Dr. Buchholz
“Examination of the major systems in psychology with an emphasis on its 19th-century origins to the present.”

Aly Beard’s New Job!

Aly Beard Headshot“I’m a 360 Transition Specialist with Intercept Youth Services in Lexington, VA.  I’m going to be doing primarily one on one with children 5 – ~14 working on improving social, emotional, and daily living skills (i.e.: pro-social skills, coping skills, and healthy relationships).”

Congratulations Aly!


Allyson Brothers ’03, Featured Alum

Allyson Brothers 2003

“I am in my 4th year of the Applied Developmental Science (ADS) PhD program. ADS is a unique degree program that trains students in Human Development (also sometimes referred to as Developmental Psychology), with a rigorous training in both basic and applied research methodology. Although I am trained in research across the human life span, my primary area of focus is on adult development, including middle-age and later life. I study attitudes and stereotypes about aging, and their effects on health and well-being in later life. I am so passionate about this research because it turns out that seemingly simple and harmless jokes and negative perceptions about “old people” are actually robustly predictive of so many negative outcomes – including worse cognitive function, poorer walking and balance, lower life satisfaction, and even shorter life span by an average of 7.5 years! Plus, many stereotypes about aging are very inaccurate, and are contradicted by a growing body of research. Therefore, during my work here at CSU, I have collaborated with my advisor to design an intervention program that aims to help adults re-think the aging process. We hope to find out whether changing people’s attitudes about aging can result in meaningful behavioral changes, especially health promotion through increased physical activity.

The PhD program has been intense and lots of hard work – but has offered so many gratifying experiences. I have been part of an international research collaboration, and attended a conference in Heidelberg, Germany. I have had the opportunity to learn advanced statistical methods, to present work at national and international conferences, to gain teaching experience, and to mentor undergraduate students in our research lab. I plan to graduate in the next year, and am currently looking for post-doctoral and job opportunities that will allow me to use the research and teaching skills I have gained during the past several years.”

Allyson is also volunteering as a contact for our psych majors considering graduate school, so if you have any questions about graduate school, she would love to chat with you! ( )

Also check out her feature on the Psych Department’s Roanoke Alumni page! (

Get Ready for Alumni Weekend!

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The Psychology Department will be having an alumni reception over Alumni Weekend (Saturday April 11th) on the outdoor balcony of Lucas Hall (2nd floor) from 4:00 to 5:30pm. (Rain Location: Lucas 215)

Please stop by for some drinks, snacks, and fun activities with the Psychology Department! This year we will also be honoring the years of dedicated service from Dr. Jan Lynch and Dr. Chuck Early, who will both retire at the end of this year. Contact Chris Buchholz (, 540-375-4904) for more information.

Follow us on Facebook! (

Psi Chi Candy Count

PsiChiSeal candy-jar-20617039


During lunch and dinner hours outside of Commons this week, Psi Chi will be having a fundraising event! For just $1, students will have the opportunity to guess how much candy is in a jar (with the help of some psychology related clues). The student who guesses correctly wins the entire jar!

Students are allowed to donate more than once, thus allowing for multiple guesses! All proceeds will go towards the Psi Chi chapter here at Roanoke.


UVA undergraduate psychology conference


If you have research you have worked on as an Independent Study or in Research Seminar in the last year, you should consider submitting to the UVA psychology undergraduate conference (see below).

To:  Undergraduate Psychology Students

Re:  L. Starling Reid Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference

Abstract proposals for oral or poster presentations may be submitted until March 9, 2015 for the Reid Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference at U.Va.  To register and for further information visit  Information there includes:

  • who may present
  • proposal selection process
  • abstract guidelines.

The keynote lecture will be “How Emotions are Made” by Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD., University Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Director of the Interdisciplinary Affective Science Laboratory (IASLab) at Northeastern University.

Modest funds to defray some travel expenses may be available for out-of-state presenters.

We look forward to receiving your conference presentation proposal.


John B. Rudder

Undergraduate Coordinator

U.Va. Department of Psychology


Internships – Kelsey Reedy

10606285_10152741012666147_7036854128929415659_nInternships in the Department Kelsey Reedy ’15 at West End Center


“I did an internship this summer at the West End Center, and it was a fantastic experience. At the time, I was a rising senior. For the first month, Roanoke City Schools were still in session and their summer program hadn’t started yet, so from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. I supervised children grades K-5th, helped with homework, tutored, and mentored them in the West End Center’s after school program. I also assisted other staff members with various extra-curricular activities and problem solving.  When the schools let out for summer, the West End Center’s summer program began. Then, my responsibilities included again supervising, tutoring, and mentoring the kids, but I also had the opportunity to teach the PeaceBuilders program, where I taught to 3 separate classes with approximately 20 students in each class. I created three separate lesson plans about building peace education and non-violent conflict resolution, based on the children’s age range.

All in all, it was one of the most rewarding and future determining experiences I’ve ever had. Through this internship I gained not only immense experience, but also a love for the West End Center. I still volunteer with them today, and I encourage anyone who has the opportunity to give it a try!”

– Kelsey Reedy

Free the Girls!



Free the Girls is a nonprofit that collects new or gently used bras to help women build up an inventory for a micro-business. It is really simple way to help support women in developing countries by enabling them to establish a sustainable economy.

If you have any questions, you can contact Prof. Brogan at and you can drop off bras in Prof. Brogan’s office in Trout 205!


Summer Scholars Applications


Would you rather flip hamburgers (or paint houses or mow lawns) or spend a summer on the Roanoke campus using your mind? Would you like to get paid $2,500 (and free housing and independent study credit) for feeding your curiosity?

The Summer Scholar Program at Roanoke College is a grant program that enables thirteen students of any major with a GPA of 3.0 or higher to conduct rigorous, independent research for eight to twelve weeks during the summer. This is a full-time, tuition-free, paid position with free housing provided. In addition to the research project, summer scholars will be trained to give professional presentations. Learn more:

Application materials and guidelines can be found here:

Applications are due March 15th. The above link details where to send the completed application materials. Check it out!

Dr. Friedman and Former Research Seminar Students Publish in Top Cyberpsychology Journal

Dr. Friedman and her first research seminar group published an article, released this month, on the effects of gender and emoticons on Facebook jealousy in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking:

Ben Hudson took the lead on the article following graduation, collecting extra data and making the publication happen! He is currently applying to graduate schools. Second author, Sylis Nicolas, was brought onto the project from Hollins and just finished her Masters at Oakland University. The other seminar student co-authors include Molly Howser who received her Masters in Speech & Language Pathology from Radford University, Ian Robinson who is currently completing graduate work at VCU in the school of dentistry, Kristen Lipsett, who is currently working for United Health Group, and Laura Pope who received her Masters in I/O from Radford University. Current sophomore, Abby Hobby, who is studying abroad this semester, and helped with editing and a final round of data collection, rounds outs the student co-authors.

Publishing in a peer-reviewed journal takes dedication. These students completed some impressive work during their time at RC and continue to thrive. The department could not be more proud!


Upcoming SEPA Conference



SEPA is a regional psychological association affiliated with the American Psychological Association (APA). The annual meeting is coming up from March 18 – 21 in Hilton Head, South Carolina! Register on-site or go here to find out more:

Some of this year’s program highlights include:

  • Deborah Best, Wake Forest University – Culture and the Socialization of Gender
  • Steve Kass, University of West Florida – Driver Attention: Findings and Future Directions
  • Scott Lilienfeld, Emory University – Lies My Psychology Teacher Told Me: The Myths of Popular and Academic Psychology

Alumni Update

20130422-H5596-DBHSince graduating from Roanoke College in 2014 magna cum laude with a major of Psychology, minor in Creative Writing, and concentration in Neuroscience, Lauren Kennedy is in the midst of completing her first year in the new Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health PhD program at Virginia Tech.

Congratulations Lauren!

Get Psyched!

GetPsyched.shirts“The PSYC department will be ordering shirts to be delivered shortly after Spring break. To ensure you get a shirt in the size you want, order now. The shirts are adult sizes and are pre-shrunk. We went with a higher quality shirt with the hopes you will wear it for years to come! The shirts will be purple and cost $10 each. Feel free to order one for friends and families. Please place your order with Ellen Dyer (LS 516) or the student assistants. When placing your order, specify your full name, the number and sizes of shirts, and make the payment in full. We will take pre-orders until 4:30PM on 2/11.”

– Dr. Friedman

Welcome Dr. Darcey Powell to the Psychology Department!

Powell Headshot 3The Psychology Department is proud to announce our newest faculty member, Assistant Professor Darcey Powell! Dr. Powell joined the department in 2014 and has worked as a Visiting Assistant Professor for the last year.  She received a B.S. in Psychology (’09) from West Virginia University, a M.S. (’11) from West Virginia University and a Ph.D. (’14 ) in Life-Span Developmental Psychology from West Virginia University. Her research interests include examining the expectations of emerging adults about future adult roles, such as parenting, as well as parents’ expectations for and perceptions of their experience caring for a young child. She is also interested in research related to teaching and learning; exploring methods to increase students’ retention of material and application of skills, as well as examining differences between subjective and objective evaluations of instructors’ teaching style.

Please welcome Dr. Powell to the Department as our newest tenure-track member!

TAP: Total Action for Progress


Next week, the Education Job Fair will take place in the Wortmann Ballroom on Wednesday, February 4th from 9am-3pm. One of the many employers that will be on campus that day is TAP: Total Action for Progress.

TAP’s mission is to help “individuals and families achieve economic and personal independence through education, employment, affordable housing, and safe and healthy environments.” TAP’s goal is provide everyone with an equal opportunity for economic development and obtaining the American way of life. TAP offers over 30 different programs for Education & Career Development, Business & Economic Development, and Housing & Community Scholars.

TAP offers many regular entry-level jobs that Psychology, Teacher Licensure Program, Sociology, and Spanish majors would qualify for. There will be a representative at this event for graduating seniors. The representative will be looking to fill positions that teacher licensure candidates many wish to fill. The representative will not be conducting formal interviews, but an informal interview where you can ask more questions about the opportunity and TAP.

It is recommended that you bring your resume along with you to meet the representative. Business attire is not required, however very nice business casual attire is recommended.

Explore the opportunities TAP and many other employers have to offer by visiting their tables on February 4th from 9am-3pm at the Education Job Fair!

For more information,  you can visit their website at

Dr. Vernon Mountcastle Passes On


Dr. Vernon Mountcastle, the “father of neuroscience,” died Sunday, January 11th  at the age of 96. He is a Roanoke alumnus who graduated in 1938. Throughout his life he made many important discoveries in neuroscience. You can learn more about him and his discoveries here:

To read The Roanoke Times report, which President Maxey and Dr. David Nichols both feature in to talk of Dr. Mountcastle’s discoveries, go here:

Career Services Workshops for February



Every semester the Office of Career Services (located in the Fowler House, to the right of Fintel library) offers workshops throughout the semester that mainly deal with internships, job searching, and grad school practice exams. Do you need help writing a résumé? Are you unsure what LinkedIn is? Visit these workshops! The Career Services staff are there to help!

Below are the events going on in February:

2 4:30-6:00 Internship & Summer Camps Job Fair (Colket Center Atrium & Pickle)
4 9:00am-3:00pm Education Job Fair (Wortmann Ballroom)2
4 4:30-6:00 Health Careers Graduate School Fair (Wortmann Ballroom)
9 5:30-7:00 Interviews – How to Make a Great Impression
16 4:00-5:30 Etiquette Dinner Workshop (Wortmann Ballroom)3
18 5:00-6:30 Department of State Careers Information Session (Kime Conference Room)
21 10am-2pm Kaplan Practice Graduate Exams (West Hall)

2 By appointment only.  Contact Career Services as soon as possible.

3 Reservation for the Etiquette Dinner Workshop must be made in Career Services no later than MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16.  Students on the college meal plan must pay a $4 fee, while non-meal-plan students must pay $8 for this workshop.  Maroon Card may be used for this purpose at the Cashier’s desk in College hall, or cash or check may be used in Career Services. Bring receipt for payments made at the Cashier’s desk to Career Services to complete your registration.

Learn How to Review A Manuscript



On Friday, January 30th, Dr. Nichols will be conducting a workshop in which you can learn how to review manuscripts for publication. The workshop will take place in Life Science 502 @ 3pm. 

This workshop will help you to distinguish how strong a manuscript is, if it is appropriate for publication, and if the manuscript makes a significant scientific contribution amongst many other areas.

This workshop will specifically help those who have intentions on pursuing graduate school. Come on by and learn how to review a manuscript and potentially improve  your own writing!

TAP: Total Action for Progress


Next week, the Education Job Fair will take place in the Wortmann Ballroom on Wednesday, February 4th from 9am-3pm. One of the many employers that will be on campus that day is TAP: Total Action for Progress.

TAP’s mission is to help “individuals and families achieve economic and personal independence through education, employment, affordable housing, and safe and healthy environments.” TAP’s goal is provide everyone with an equal opportunity for economic development and obtaining the American way of life. TAP offers over 30 different programs for Education & Career Development, Business & Economic Development, and Housing & Community Scholars.

TAP offers many regular entry-level jobs that Psychology, Teacher Licensure Program, Sociology, and Spanish majors would qualify for. There will be a representative at this event for graduating seniors. The representative will be looking to fill positions that teacher licensure candidates many wish to fill. The representative will not be conducting formal interviews, but an informal interview where you can ask more questions about the opportunity and TAP.

It is recommended that you bring your resume along with you to meet the representative. Business attire is not required, however very nice business casual attire is recommended.

Explore the opportunities TAP and many other employers have to offer by visiting their tables on February 4th from 9am-3pm at the Education Job Fair!

For more information,  you can visit their website at

Alyssa Bostrom’s Post-Undergrad Activities

Alyssa Bostrom Rebuilding Together

Alyssa Bostrom, a 2013 Roanoke graduate, has been up to quite a bit since she embarked on her life after Roanoke! The following is her description of these numerous activities:

“I completed 2 AmeriCorps terms with Rebuilding Together Roanoke as a Project Specialist. Rebuilding Together is a national non-profit that provides critical home repairs to low-income homeowners for free. This past year I received the AmeriCorps Member of the Year award from Rebuilding Together for the the 2 terms of service I completed during 2013 and 2014. As of January 2015 I moved to the Denver area in order to pursue a Masters in Christian Leadership with a concentration in the Outdoor at the Denver Seminary. My career goal is to stay in non-profit management and ideally work for an organization that promotes Youth Development and Leadership Development through hands on and service learning. While going to school I am working at OpenWorld Learning a non-profit in Denver that partners with Denver Public Schools and provides an after school program for at risk/low-income elementary and middle school kids.The focus is computer and technology skills. This program along with most of the partnering schools have a bi-lingual English/Spanish curriculum so I am using my BA in Spanish in order to aid in the facilitation of the program and support children who do not speak English as their first language.”


Career Services Workshops for January

Every semester the Office of Career Services (located in the Fowler House, to the right of Fintel library) offers workshops throughout the semester that mainly deal with internships, job searching, and grad school practice exams. Do you need help writing a résumé? Are you unsure what LinkedIn is? Visit these workshops! The Career Services staff are there to help!

Below are the events going on in January.

19              5:30 – 7:00          Résumé Writing – Coming to Life on Paper (bring laptop!)

22              12:00 – 1:00       LinkedIn – A Powerful Networking/Job & Internship Search Tool (bring laptop!)

26              5:30 – 7:00          Networking & Internships – Who Knows You, & How Can They Help

28              4:00 – 5:30          Etiquette in the Workplace (West 210)

The Psychology Department Mourns The Passing of Alum, Courtney King

“Courtney was a ray of sunshine, but don’t let that fool you, she had a feisty side! Her bright smile, beautiful personality, and kind heart will forever remain in our hearts. Courtney fought some hard battles during her short time on this earth, but she was not a complainer. If anything, she took care of others! After finishing her BA in Psych at RC, she completed her Masters at Liberty. Courtney loved her friends, her sorority sisters,  and of course, her family. To know her was to love her. We are thankful that we had the opportunity to interact with such a wonderful person. May we all take inspiration from Courtney.” ~Dr. Denise Friedman, Department Chair


Courtney (right) pictured with one of her sorority sisters, Molly (left).

Carilion Clinic Career Focus Dinner

November 6, 4:30-7pm

Location: off-campus site TBD

Large health care organizations offer a variety of opportunities for employment, internships, and research to students in many majors – Business, social sciences, and healthcare related fields. Come and hear from one of our local health care systems – Carilion Clinic – about such opportunities, as this could be useful in looking for similar settings in other locations. Registration is required by Thursday, October 30, through Career Services. This program takes place off-campus and includes dinner at no cost. Rides are available if desired or needed. For more information, contact Career Services.

For more information contact: Toni McLawhorn (540) 375-2303

What actor is your professor?

Dr. Allen: Helena Bonham Coato
Dr. Buchholz: Daniel Craig
Dr. Camac: Jamie Lee Curtis
Dr. Day: Cate Blanchett
Dr. DeMarce: Liv Tyler
Dr. Early: Richard Gere
Dr. Friedman: Jennifer Lawrence
Prof. Friedman: Vince Vaughn
Dr. Lynch: Meryl Streep
Dr. Nichols: Jim Parsons
Prof. Nichols: Julia Roberts
Dr. Osterman: Louis Ck
Dr. Pranzarone: Robert Deniro
Dr. Shenal: Hugh Laurie
Dr. Whitson: Michael Caine

We opened the suggestion box and here’s what you had to say:

“Put a trash can in the student lounge.” Done. Yay! I am glad we got one easy one.

“Add a forensic psychology class.” This is not the first time we have heard this request. We currently have two grads working the FBI and another interning with Homeland Security. Given the growing popularity of this subfield, we are looking into whether we add forensic psychology as a special topics course. We will talk to other interested disciplines and examine professor expertise and the current courses offered to see if it can fit. We also have to get approval from administration.

“Add a class on romantic relationships as people like to learn about themselves.” We have discussed adding classes on emerging adulthood (18-25) and romantic relationships. It is likely this will happen in the next few years as we are looking to expand the psychology faculty which will allow those of us with that expertise to teach these special topic courses. Of course, we have balance these classes with requirements so you can graduate!

“Demand more respect from other science departments.” We get it. Psychology is a science but is not always recognized or respected as such. We are proud of student and faculty accomplishments and are proud to note that we are to be included in the new science center complex. It is said that respect is earned, but we know stereotypes and preexisting biases make it hard to change opinions. We will continue to work hard and celebrate successes. If you have other ideas, feel free to share them!

“Add a minor in special education.” While we can cover special education topics in some of our classes, we are not an education department. The school has to meet certain accreditation standards and faculty have to have a certain expertise to teach specific classes. We can certainly talk about special education issues as they are relevant to learning, development, etc., but we are not the right department for starting a minor or concentration. Talking to education would a good start.

Thanks for all the great suggestions! Please note we are working hard to serve your needs and always want to hear your voice. We have certain limitations that we have to work inside of but if we don’t know what you want, we can’t even try to make it happen.

Departmental Kudos – Dr. Friedman



Dr. Friedman pictured with Carolyn Miesen and Jessica Gladfelter, members of her research lab

Students Comments:

“Dr. Friedman has gone above and beyond as my advisor! She inspires me to be the best I can.”

“Dr. Friedman has had a lot to manage this semester and has been great at it. She is an amazing chair.”

“Dr. Friedman and Dr. Buchholz are super supportive and helpful. :)”

Psych students elected to PBK

“Founded in 1776 by students at the College of William and Mary, Phi Beta Kappa is recognized as the oldest, largest and most prestigious honor society in the nation. PBK’s main objective is to emphasize the importance of a liberal arts and sciences while also recognizing those who strive for excellence in academics.” This year, the psychology department had several students selected to join the ranks of PBK.

Congratulations to:

Elizabeth Evans

Nikki Hurless

Lauren Kennedy

Tayler Kiser

Dana Averill

We are proud of your accomplishments!

Recognizing Graduating Senior – Carolyn Miesen

Carolyn Miesen

“Carolyn is the ultimate achiever! You rarely see one person juggle so much so successfully. She traveled abroad to study in Australia and came back with a passion for research. Balancing research in two domains, she accomplished more in a year than most do in 4 years. I anticipate she will have her first manuscript under review before graduation! I know she will thrive in the masters program at JMU.” – Academic Advisor & Research Mentor, Dr. Denise Friedman