Fall 2015 Poster Session

Last semester the seminar students of the department put on a poster session at Fintel Library to share the results of their exciting research. Hany Hosny graciously provided some cool shots of the action. Take a look!
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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Department Feature: Dr. Katherine Luci

Luci 2016

Dr. Luci (adjunct lecturer) has enjoyed teaching at Roanoke College for the past few years in addition to her “day job” as a clinical geropsychologist at the Salem VA Medical Center. She received a B.A. in cultural anthropology from Mary Washington College in 1999, a M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction from Virginia Tech in 2003, and a Psy.D. in clinical and school psychology in 2010 from James Madison University. Dr. Luci’s teaching and research interests include aging, resilience, best practices in dementia care, and third-wave psychotherapies for caregivers and older adults.

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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Alumni Update!

CJ and Mrs. Carter_Oct 2014
Dr. Christine Johnston Jensen majored in Psychology and graduated from Roanoke College in 1992. She fondly remembers Dr. Jan Lynch’s Developmental classes (Dr. Lynch retired last year), saying “I found my real calling with her adult development and aging course.”
Inspired by Dr. Lynch and others, Dr. Jensen went on to complete a Ph.D. in Human Development/Adult Development and Aging at the University of Delaware. She now serves as the Director of Health Services Research at the Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health in Williamsburg, VA. In this role she oversees a number of federal and state funded grant projects that focus on working with older adults and their caregivers. Dr. Jensen also teaches courses in the Gerontology Masters program at VCU and is a Master Trainer with the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving.

Local Volunteer/Job Opportunity

Round Hill Elementary School in Roanoke is looking for volunteers as well as students who need a job and like working with children. The program is called 21st Century and it is an after school program that involves supervising children. If you are interested or have any questions concerning the program, please email Emily Leimbach ’14 (she currently works at Round Hill as a teacher) and she’ll gladly hook you up with any information you might need: eleimbach@rcps.info

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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Center for Inquiry Summer Opportunities


Now Accepting Applications:
CFI Internship Opportunities
for Summer 2016

Each year, CFI provides opportunities for students to get more involved with the freethought movement by offering student internships and volunteer opportunities at CFI locations across North America. The following are the internship positions for summer 2016.

CFI Outreach Internships

Two positions available at CFI–Transnational in Amherst, NY


Last summer, Peter Wood of the Secular Student Alliance at Florida State University and Zach Ashton of the Secular Student Alliance at George Mason University joined the Outreach Department at CFI–Transnational, gaining valuable organizing and event management experience.

Now it’s your turn. We’re looking for two students to intern at CFI–Transnational in Amherst, NY this summer.

•   Stipend: $200/week
•   Dates: May 23—July 29 (flexible)
•   Must be a U.S. citizen or legally authorized to work in the United States
Applicants should be:The interns will be trained in campus outreach, grassroots organizing, event planning and management, and other skills useful in nonprofit advocacy. Specific projects depend on the interns’ interests and experience but may include: developing new online campus organizing resources, producing audio and video materials, and designing new CFI On Campus promotional materials.

•   Enthusiastic about freethought, humanism, and skepticism
•   Able to work both individually and collaboratively
•   Willing to follow instructions and accept constructive criticism
•   Eager to contribute to CFI Outreach and advance its mission

To apply for an internship, please send a resume tooncampus@centerforinquiry.net and provide the following additional information:

•   Statement of your academic and other interests.
•   What are your activities with the skeptic/freethought movements?
•   Why is interning at the Center for Inquiry something you want to do?
•   What is your level of proficiency with Microsoft Word and Excel or comparable software?
•   What is your level of proficiency with Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign?
•   Do you have experience with basic html and design?
•   What skills and interests do you wish to develop during the internship?

Application Deadline: Thursday, March 31

Please contact CFI Outreach by email or at (716) 636-4869 ext. 402 if you have any questions about these internship positions. This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about outreach and advocacy, develop new skills, and gain grassroots organizing experience while contributing to the overall growth of the freethought community and strengthening your relationship with CFI! We hope you consider joining us this summer.

CFI–Michigan Internships

These are all on-site internships. Applicants must live within driving distance of our office in Grand Rapids, MI.

Publicity Coordinator Internship

Non-Profit Management Internship

Non-Profit Event Planning Internship

Volunteer Coordinator Internship

Video Production Internship

Custom Internships: CFI–Michigan is willing to structure a customized internship for interested students to meet their program requirements, even if no internship openings are posted. To inquire about a custom internship please send a letter of interest and resume to the email address below. We will contact you once we assess if we can facilitate an internship that meets your internship goals/requirements and our current program needs.

How to Apply for an Internship at CFI–Michigan

To be considered for an internship please submit:

•   Your resume
•   A letter of interest outlining your internship goals, program requirements, and why you’d like to do an internship at CFI–Michigan
•   At least two samples of your writing skills. (PDFs or web links are preferred. We will also accept files from Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite programs.)
•   Applicants may also submit samples of graphic design, web development, photography or videography work (if applicable)
•   Any additional materials requested for specific internships—see descriptions above for details

Submit application by email to michigan@centerforinquiry.net. Questions? Contact Jennifer Beahan, Assistant Director, by email or call (616) 706-2029.


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Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Fall 2015 Poster Session

Last semester the seminar students of the department put on a poster session at Fintel Library to share the results of their exciting research. Hany Hosny graciously provided some cool shots of the action. Take a look!
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Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Department Feature: Dr. Brian Shenal

1-Shenal 2016

Dr. Shenal (Adjunct Associate Professor) began teaching at Roanoke College in 2012.  He received his B.S. (’95), his M.S. (’98), and his Ph.D. (’01) from Virginia Tech.  Dr. Shenal completed his clinical internship and fellowship at the University of Florida. He is a practicing neuropsychologist and an Associate Professor at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine. His research interests include the neuropsychology of emotion, lateralization/cerebral asymmetry, and teleneuropsychology.

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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Fall 2015 Poster Session

Last semester the seminar students of the department put on a poster session at Fintel Library to share the results of their exciting research. Hany Hosny graciously provided some cool shots of the action. Take a look!

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Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Summer Internship Opportunity

Summer Internship in Daniel Gilbert’s Lab at Harvard University


Daniel Gilbert’s lab at Harvard University is accepting applications for volunteer research assistants for the summer. The ideal candidate is a motivated undergraduate or recent graduate with a keen interest in social psychology. Research experience is an asset but not a necessity.

Research relates to topics such as affective forecasting, the role of shared experience, altruism, self-knowledge, social interaction, and judgment and decision-making. Interns work approximately 35 hours a week; this includes study preparation, data collection (in the lab and in the field), statistical analyses, and lab meetings.

This opportunity is for summer 2016, early June through mid-August. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Please submit your application no later than March 1st.

To apply: please send a CV, unofficial grade report, a brief cover letter that explains your interest in the program, and your availability between June and August to gilbertlab.summer@gmail.com.


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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Conference Fun

Dr. Osterman, Dr. Buchholz, and Dr. Gili Freedman attended the SPSP conference (Society for Personality and Social Psychology) this past weekend over in San Diego and presented on a variety of socially intriguing topics. Below you’ll find Dr. Osterman being her majestic self, as always, preparing to impart upon the world the research she and her research assistants found about friend choices.


Dr. Buchholz was also prepared to tell the world about agency, empathy, and mindfuless in prosocial behaviors.  20160130_124514

Dr. Freedman was of course also excited about her research dealing with gender and social rejection beliefs.


Keep up the good work, RoCo!

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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Camp Easter Seals UPC Camp Counselors


Camp Easter Seals UCP offers children and adults with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy fun and challenging activities in a unique and supportive camp atmosphere.  To help contribute to this environment we are seeking general counselors for summer employment.  We are located about forty five minutes northwest of Roanoke Virginia in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Who we serve – Our campers have a variety of disabilities including autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and several other physical and mental disabilities.  Camp Easter Seals Virginia offers camp sessions for adults and kids/teens.  Physical, occupational, and speech therapy camp sessions are also offered for kids/teens.  The summer ends with a week for families that have a child with a disability.

Why our camp – Camp Counselors gain experience through supervising and caring for campers’ personal needs as well as leading and assisting campers with camp activities. Counselors come from around the country and world to work at the camp.  Many staff have described their experience at camp as “life changing!”

All levels of experience and education welcome to apply.  For more information please visit us:
February 1st
Internship Fair
4:30 – 6:00 PM
Roanoke College Colket Center

Also visit our website www.CampEastersealsUCP.com, watch our YouTube video, and contact

Alex Barge, the camp director, will be on Roanoke’s campus on Monday and would be open to visiting and/or speaking with organizations or classes anytime.

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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Psi Chi Feature

In the winter edition of Eye on Psi Chi two of our events were featured! Dogs and Donuts and Zentangle got recognition – you can find the details by going to this link and scrolling to page 36. Great job, RoCo!


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Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Opportunity for Graduating Seniors


Lab Manager – Social Learning Lab @ Stanford University

The Social Learning Lab (SLL) welcomes enthusiastic, motivated individuals to apply for a lab manager position to start in summer 2016. This person will work closely with other lab members to assist in all aspects of running the lab and conducting research.

The goal of our research is to understand the cognitive underpinnings of our ability to communicate with others to both learn about and teach others about both the physical and the social world. To this end, we employ a variety of methods: many of our projects involve behavioral methods with young children, fMRI experiments with adults and children, as well as online experiments with adults.  A successful candidate would be someone who would feel comfortable being involved in all aspects of research as well as taking good care of general lab business (e.g., training & coordinating undergraduate research assistants, recruiting & running subjects, communicating with staff at our research sites, constructing stimuli, managing & analyzing data, etc.). This person will also have opportunities to develop independent research projects.

A BA or BS degree in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Computer Science, or in related fields would be helpful but not required. Research experience (particularly in cognitive neuroscience or cognitive development), strong statistical background, and programming skills (e.g., MATLAB) is highly desirable.

This position will be posted as a one-year position. Ideally however the position would be held for two years, and renewal will be contingent upon performance. Please refer to this webpage (sll.stanford.edu) for more information on applying for this position. We ask all applicants to submit their answers to a list of questions as part of the application. For best consideration, please apply by February 1, 2016. Send any inquiries to sll.stanford@gmail.com.


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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Scholarship Opportunities

aauw web 618x264

The American Association of University Women currently has 3 scholarships, one that is $2000 and two that are $1500, that you can apply for!

The scholarships are as follows:

Non-traditional: women who are 21 years or older, and have not previously obtained a bachelor’s degree
Norman & Myrtle Shifflett: women who are pursuing a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM)
Dorothy Kayser Provine: women who are pursuing a career in the humanities



Two further requirements are that the student must reside Roanoke City, Salem City, Town of Vinton, Roanoke County, Botetourt County, or Craig County and must demonstrate financial need.  And to be competitive, it is recommend that the student have at least a 3.4 overall GPA (higher would be better!).


For more information, refer to their websitehttp://roanokevalley-va.aauw.net/community/scholarships/  Applications are due to AAUW by March 11, 2016.


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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Clinician Therapist Position Available

A position for a Clinician Therapist serving community homes in Roanoke has become available by Intercept Youth Services!

If you are seeking a full-time position, please see below for the job description. They would to have the chance to see your resume and  interview you!

Provided is the Link to Intercept: www.interceptyouth.com

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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

A Few Scientific Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Pull That All-Nighter This Week

“Want to ace that test tomorrow? Here’s a tip: Put down the coffee and hit the sack.”

sleep-deprived1Don’t believe me? Tons of recent research has shown that pulling all-nighters, and the sleep deprivation that results, will actually harm you rather than help you.

“Sleepless night can make us cranky and moody. But a lesser known side effect of sleep deprivation is short-term euphoria, which can potentially lead to poor judgment and addictive behavior, according to new research from the University of California, Berkeley.”


Lack of sleep can result in decreased immune system function and reduced ability to consolidate recently formed memories, says Boston College. Therefore you are more susceptible to catching whatever icky bug is floating around campus and all that information you’re trying to stuff into your head as the wee hours of the morning tick by probably won’t stick as well as you hope.

I could go on. But before you leave, please promise me that you’ll get some sleep every single night this week. Taking a three hour study break to catch some Z’s is actually more helpful than taping your eyelids open and attempting to memorize the neurotransmitters and their functions with a double espresso in your hand. Your grades, and your sanity, will thank you.

Read more about the science here:

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Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Summer Internship Opportunity

Application Deadline: December 16, 2015
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
2016 HS-STEM Summer Internships

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate Office of University Programs sponsors a 10-week summer internship program for students majoring in homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) disciplines. The program provides students with quality research experiences at federal research facilities located across the country and allows students the opportunity to establish connections with DHS professionals. It is open to undergraduate and graduate students in a broad spectrum of HS-STEM disciplines and DHS mission-relevant Research Areas.

Undergraduate students receive a $6,000 stipend plus travel expenses.

Graduate students receive a $7,000 stipend plus travel expenses.

10-week research experiences are offered at:  Coast Guard Research and Development Center ● Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute ● Customs and Borders Protection ● Engineer Research and Development Center ● Federal Emergency Management Agency ● National Security Technologies ● National Urban Security Technology Laboratory ● Naval Research Laboratory ● Office for Interoperabilty and Compatibility ● Transportation Security Laboratory ● DOE National Laboratories: Argonne, Berkeley, Idaho, Livermore, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, and Sandia

Areas of research: Engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biological / life sciences, environmental science, emergency and incident management, social sciences, and more.

U.S. citizenship required
Application deadline: December 16, 2015, 11:59PM EST
How to Apply: Applications and supporting materials must be submitted at
Program Information: Detailed information about the internships can be found at

For questions please email us at dhsed@orau.org.
The DHS Education Programs Team

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Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Noke500: Are you in?

20151203_125223The faculty of the Psychology Department challenge our alumni to make a donation between now and December 10th. Only two days left!

Alumni are being challenged during the Noke500 to go ALL IN for Roanoke and make a gift of any size between now and December 10th at noon. If 500 alumni give during this time period, a generous alumni donor will give the College $25,000.


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Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rcpsychology
Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

VT Carilion Lecture: Can We Live to 100?


You are invited to attend the next VTCRI Distinguished Public Lecture by Marie Bernard, M.D., on Thursday, December 10 at 5:30 PM in room M203 at the VTC on, “Can We Live to 100? New Evidence from the National Institute on Aging.” Dr. Bernard is the Deputy Director of the National Institute of Aging (NIA) at the National Institutes of health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD.    Dr. Bernard is  a charter fellow and past president of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education; she has received the Tibbitt’s award from the Association of gerontology for outstanding contributions to gerontology and gerontology education; and she has served on the board of directors of the international longevity center.  She has been repeatedly recognized among the best doctors in America. Prior to serving as the Deputy Director of NIA, she was the Reynolds Chair of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine.  Dr. Bernard has played major roles and served in leadership positions in identifying programs and policies to promote healthy aging, in the identification, treatment and care of adults with dementias, in comparative effectiveness research, and in identifying and growing the workforce for healthcare for older Americans.  Dr. Bernard’s own research program has addressed issues of medication and healthcare management as well as nutrition for the elderly as well as workforce training and education.

The public lecture will be preceded by an open reception in the VTC café at 5:00 PM. Come out if you can!

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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Poster Session Dec. 10th!


Come out to Fintel library from noon to 1pm this Thursday, December 10th and see what our students have been up to! There will be pizza and it’s open to everyone. Hope to see you there!

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Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

“What’s Up With Pokes?” Facebook Lecture

FBCollageDr. Erin Baker, employed at Facebook, discussed the mission of Facebook, what it’s like to work there, and the multitude of job options for students with a Liberal Arts degree. Thanks again for a fantastic lecture, Dr. Baker!

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Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Noke500: Are you in?

20151203_125223The faculty of the Psychology Department challenge our alumni to make a donation between now and December 10th.

Alumni are being challenged during the Noke500 to go ALL IN for Roanoke and make a gift of any size between now and December 10th at noon. If 500 alumni give during this time period, a generous alumni donor will give the College $25,000.


Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rcpsychology
Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

New Majors’ Orientation = Success!

CollageFor those of you who missed out on this awesome opportunity to get more involved in the department and learn about all of its valuable resources, don’t worry! We’ll be holding more sessions in the spring, which you should definitely attend. We take pride in our department and we want to share it with you!

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Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rcpsychology
Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Congratulations to Stephanie Gaines – Psi Chi Research Grant Awardee!

Stephanie Gaines with her  advisor, Dr. Powell
Stephanie Gaines with her advisor, Dr. Powell

Ms. Stephanie Gaines, a junior at Roanoke College,
has been named as one of the recipients of the
Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Grant!

Her independent study project was conducted to gather information on emerging adults’ anticipated self-efficacy regarding future roles. The aims were two-fold. First, to replicate the previous research on transitional roles such as getting married or becoming a parent. Second, to expand the research on gradual roles such as becoming financially independent and managing one’s own healthcare.  She was particularly interested in how emerging adults’ current self-efficacy, mastery and vicarious experiences, as well as subjective norms were associated with their anticipated self-efficacy for adult roles. Participants were recruited from Roanoke College Psychology classes, the larger student body, and from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Analyses are currently underway.

Congratulations, Stephanie!
We look forward to seeing your results. Keep up the great work! 

The Science Behind Facebook

facebook speaker poster final

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Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Seeking Research Assistants!


Professors in the Psych department are looking for lab research new members next semester!

Dr. Buchholz

His research and teaching interests include social psychology, evolutionary psychology, self, music, and complex systems theory. If you are interested in joining his lab, click the link below to apply and find out more info!


Dr. Gornick

Dr. Gornick’s research focuses on rhetoric in political, health and social-cultural context with an emphasis on Integrative Complexity.

If you are interested in joining her lab, go to link below to apply and get more info!

http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology/research_and_internships/undergraduate_research/dr_gornicks_research_lab. You can also stop by LS 525 to pick up an application.

Dr. Freedman

Her research focuses on the processes and consequences of social rejection with a special focus on the point of view of rejectors. If you are interested in Dr. Freedman’s lab, email her at freedman@roanoke.edu. Click the link below to get more info!


Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rcpsychology
Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Students & Faculty feasted!

Students and faculty came together on Sunday for the Fall Feast!
Dr. Whitson’s Bok Choy salad won the “best savory dish” award
and Dr. Freedman’s pumpkin & chocolate cake won the
“best sweet dish” award.

We hope your Thanksgiving feast is as
sweet (and savory) as ours was!

Fall Feast

Fall Feast-page-001

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Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rcpsychology
Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Psychology Department Fall Feast

Fall_imageJoin the Psychology Department this Sunday November 22nd for a Fall Feast. Faculty will be cooking savory and sweet treats. All students are welcome. Come join in the fun and socialize to celebrate the season.

Location – Lucas Library (215)

Time – 11:30-1:00

Sponsored by RCPA and PsiChi


New Majors’ Orientation


This Wednesday and Thursday night from 6:30 – 8pm the psych department is hosting an event to welcome all newly declared psych majors! Both are in room 502. Come to one and see what the department has to offer!

Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rcpsychology
Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

UVA Master’s Program Webinar


UVA Counselor Education Master’s Degree Program – Information Webinar with Curry Faculty

Hello – Have you considered a career counseling youth and promoting their academic, career, and personal development? Are you inspired to serve as an advocate for youth and be a social change agent? Then the UVA Counselor Ed Master’s degree program is the place to start. Learn more about our CACREP accredited program on an interactive online webinar. Hear directly from Curry School faculty and Counselor Ed students on the importance of this career path, and how Curry will prepare you.


Learn more from Curry faculty at our online informational webinar.

Date and Time: Tuesday, Nov. 17th, 6:00 – 7:00pm EST

Go to the Counselor Ed website below to register.  All you need is access to the internet to join. We hope to see you on the webinar!


Karen Barnes, MBA
Director of Communications & Marketing
Curry School of Education
University of Virginia
Tel: 434-924-6939

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Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Event Reminder: Mixed Drinks, Mixed Emotions

Mixed Drinks Mixed Emotion FLYER PDF-page-001Sunday November 15 in the Colket Center at 4pm!

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Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rcpsychology
Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/RC-Psychology-8140491/about
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology


New York Times asks, “Can You Get Smarter?”


The New York Times ran an op-ed piece last week about the idea of getting smarter in a way similar to lifting weights. Take a read at the link below!


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Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/ (Join RC Psychology group)

Faculty Research

Nichols Lab Picture 2

Congratulations to Dr. Nichols for his recent publication in JUNE!

Here is the journal issue:  http://www.funjournal.org/current-issue/

Direct link to the article is: http://www.funjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/june-14-74.pdf


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Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/ (Join RC Psychology group)




On the Thursday before midterm exams began RC Psychology Association and Psi Chi, with support from Zentangle Inc., hosted a Zentangle: De-stress & Refocus event for students at the college. Psychology students could earn research credit and Honors program students could earn class I credit for attendance. More than 35 students came out to Zentangle! During the event, students heard about the technique known as Zentangle (https://www.zentangle.com/) and created their own Zentangle square. Additionally, the students left the session with a Zentangling pen and a couple squares so they could continue Zentangling on their own as they geared up for midterms. Everyone seemed to enjoy the session, so we hope to have Sacil back on campus in the future for another de-stressing and refocusing event! 


Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/ (Join RC Psychology group)

EPA Conference Deadline!

EPALogoThe submission deadline is November 15, 2015 5:00pm, EASTERN STANDARD TIME.

The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association will take place at the Marriott Marquis in New York City Thursday March 3 – Saturday, March 5.

For more info, go here: http://www.easternpsychological.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=1

Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/ (Join RC Psychology group)

SEPA Deadline!

nola-logoSEPA is a regional psychological association affiliated with the American Psychological Association (APA). Dates & Location: March 30-April 2, 2016, at the Sheraton New Orleans.

The deadline is Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time!

Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/ (Join RC Psychology group)

Alum Update: Charis Flamburis Current Work and Future Plans

“I am currently serving with AmeriCorps State through the Advancement Foundation. I am working for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Roanoke. I chose to serve with AmeriCorps because I liked the organizations they worked with and thought that it would be great experience. I love working with Big Brother Big Sister because I work with troubled children and youths. I would like to pursue a Masters in Counseling to counsel troubled children and youths, so it fits perfectly.”

Charis, we know a Masters in your future and that you will be a great counselor! We are proud that you are changing the world one life at a time. Your work matters.


Career Service Events



Thursday, October 8, 5:30-7:30pm
FALL CAREER FOCUS RECEPTION, Intercept Youth Services on Airport Rd. in Roanoke – We still have a few spaces available, first come first served!   A number of businesses have been invited to attend, including:  Advance Auto Parts, Carilion Clinic, Hometown Bank, Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center, Interactive Achievement, City of Roanoke, Wells Fargo, and Woods Rogers Law Firm.  While all of them may not be able to come, we anticipate at least 4-5 of them in attendance.  Dinner will be provided.  FREE to students, but you must commit to attend!  Rides can be provided if needed.  Business casual attire required.  Resumes suggested but not required.  This is a great opportunity to hear from businesses about internships and careers for which they consider college students and recent graduates – a fantastic networking opportunity!  Register through Career Services.
Monday, October 12, 7:30-8:00pm
Vector Marketing Information Session – West 117.  Co-sponsored by Alpha Kappa Psi.  Come and learn from one of our alumni how a career in sales can be rewarding, what it’s all about, and also about the opportunities through Vector Marketing for work/internships while still a student.  Open to ALL majors!  Please register through Career Services in advance.

There are still spots available for Richmond/DC Career Nights over Fall Break! Please contact Career Services in advance to register.

Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/ (Join RC Psychology group)

Check Out Our New Student Study Center!

Some of you may know that we have a student lounge on the fifth floor of Life Science for anyone to hang out and possibly nap on the comfy couches. This semester we’ve been able to open up another room designated more for studying and other quiet activities! It used to be faculty office space, but is now a place for students to use. It is located on the left side of the same hallway the other student lounge is. Come check it out!

Student Study Center 2

Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rcpsychology
Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/ (Join RC Psychology group)
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Katie Jensen, Attorney General Intern

Katie Jensen Katie Jensen 2

“During my semester in Washington, DC, I interned at the DC Office of the Attorney General’s Mental Health Section. As a Psychology major with a Legal Studies concentration, this internship has given me valuable experience in a fascinating field of law. The Assistant Attorney Generals that I shadowed work to ensure that people who are likely to injure themselves or others as a result of mental illness legally get the help they need, while protecting the public and the rights of the patient. On a daily basis, I analyzed medical records, filed petitions for emergency hospitalizations, and occasionally attended witness interviews at psychiatric hospitals. I also had the opportunity to go to court and observe probable cause hearings, commission hearings, and jury trials. My internship at DCOAG taught me so much about the legal process and mental healthcare system in Washington, DC, because I got to experience it every day. Living, learning, and interning through the Washington Semester was an amazing experience!”

Get connected!
Instagram & Twitter:  #PsychRC
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rcpsychology
Blog:  https://psych.pages.roanoke.edu/
Linked In:  https://www.linkedin.com/ (Join RC Psychology group)
Website:  http://www.roanoke.edu/inside/a-z_index/psychology

Alum Update: Cindy Cook Talks About The Path To Finding Her Passion

“May 2013 graduation feels like a lifetime ago.  Life has been a whirlwind since then.  I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up.  I have been working as a Certified Pharmacy Tech, starting out in retail and recently making the transition to long term care.  I believe I have found my passions to lie as a mix between psychology and pharmacy and am looking deeply into becoming a Licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Practitioner.  Still not set in stone, so we shall see where life takes me!”

Thanks for the update, Cindy. Many of us take a winding path to find our place. Please keep us in the loop!




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These photos, taken by Sumi Yi, were a part of Dr. Nichol’s INQ 277 May term titled “Exploring Vision Through the Eye of the Lens”.

This class utilized the digital camera as both a metaphor for the human eye and as a tool to create photographic representations of principles of human vision.  Cameras and the human eye were compared and contrasted in order to better understand both. Mechanisms of human visual perception, such as color vision, depth perception, and motion perception, were discussed in lecture format and then assignments carried out wherein students take purposeful photographs to illuminate the discussion topics.  The idea is that application through photography of principles discussed in relation to human vision, i.e. how we sense and perceive the world, may give us a better understanding of how and why the human vision system works the way it does.  Photographic expeditions were done both around campus and as part of full day trips.


RC recognized in the News: What that means in PSYC!

Roanoke was recognized as an A+ school for B students, but we work with and for ALL our students to help them be successful (however you operationalize it).

You may hear us use the term “whole person.” That means we care about you (!), what you have going on currently, your background, your goals in life and work, your health – the whole package.

This article: http://diycollegerankings.com/50-50-highlights-a-schools-for-b-students/8394/, which references the US News and World Report ranking and replicates it, suggest we are a good place for do-it-yourself(ers). I agree!

The truth is we teach you what you need to know to be successful in psychology but also in other ways that are meaningful to you. Check out more on our blog to see how our students (maybe that is or was you and you want to share your story – email us) have succceeded in love, life, and work.

We couldn’t be prouder and love our departmental community!



Alumni Update: Sebastian Pena


“Since graduation, I have been working at different research positions at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University. At Georgetown I am currently working in two positions. I am the lab manager for the Laboratory of Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition in the Department of Neuroscience. In this lab I am involved in facilitating and conducting studies involving tinnitus, neuroplasticity, music, and neuroimaging (fMRI). I am also a research assistant in a lab that studies opioid addiction in the School of Nursing and Health Studies. My work in this lab includes recruitment, administering questionnaires to patients, and supporting the effort of our clinical trial.

At Johns Hopkins I am a research program coordinator in the School of Medicine working for two doctors that study HIV and substance use disorders. I conduct interviews with patients in the hospital for a research study that is investigating how to incorporate a computerized survey as part of the regular care of our medical staff’s substance use consultation visits. I am also assisting with writing a paper about HIV medication adherence that we hope to submit for publication soon. In the next couple of months I will begin to interview patients and staff at our HIV clinic as part of a research study investigating retention.

I plan to use all these experiences to pursue a Ph.D in neuroscience and/or to apply to medical school. Hopefully I’ll soon figure out exactly what I want my next step to be!”

  • Sebastian Pena

Congratulations Sebastian and keep up the good work!

Update from Alum and Psych Minor, Jordan May


In her own words:

Jordan May Roanoke College, 2013

B.S. Health and Exercise Science

Minor: Psychology

Soccer. Travel. More soccer. More travel.

Since graduating from Roanoke in 2013, the past 2 plus years have been a whirlwind. The summer after graduation I relocated to Lewiston, Maine to start my position as an Assistant Women’s Soccer coach at NCAA Division III institution, Bates College. My day-to-day tasks consist of helping our head coach, Kelsy Ross (Roanoke College ’05), with practice planning, facilitating team communication, coordinating community events and community service, coaching in training sessions, recruiting, scouting opponents, and taking care of travel arrangements, as well as game-day responsibilities. In addition to my duties at Bates, in our collegiate off-season, I help out at a local club, Seacoast United Maine, in various aspects of trainings with kids as young as 7 up to 18. To say I had no idea how much thought, time, and energy it takes to help run a collegiate athletics program (or even just a 2 hour training session), is an understatement. To be on the other side of the lines is truly an eye opening, humbling experience. My four years at Roanoke as a student-athlete was is a time that I reflect upon on a daily basis. My writing and critical thinking skills were really formed during that time and help to analyze and dissect the good and the bad of our squad, routinely. Being a coach isn’t just about teaching the X’s and O’s and developing players in practice, but also about forming bonds and relationships with your them to understand what makes them tick. Figuring out that what works best for one player, might not be the same for another, and so on, is a real challenge!

In the future, I hope to go back to school to obtain a masters degree in the field of Sports Management or Sports Psychology while also continuing to coach.

Jordan, we are proud of what you have achieved and are pleased your degree is serving you well. Keep us updated! We know you’ll be successful obtaining your Masters.


Meet the New Professors!

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Dr. Gili Freedman                                  Dr. Janelle Gornick

Come meet the New Professors in the Psych Department!

Who: Dr. Gili Freedman & Dr. Janelle Gornick

What?: The two new professors of the Psychology faculty will be talking about their research!

When?: Monday, September 21, 7-8pm

Where?: Life Science 502

Why?: Get to know our new professors! Snacks! Learn cool things!

(Plus teaser of upcoming events!)

Sponsored by: Roanoke College Psychology Association & Psi Chi

Alum Johnzelle Anderson Thanks Profs and Gives Update on Counseling Masters

Check out his recent blog post: https://jzeee92.wordpress.com/2015/09/12/to-my-former-professors-at-roanoke-college/.

Johnzelle is well on his way, starting his internship soon! Shortly thereafter, he will have his Masters in hand. Way to go, Johnzelle! We are incredibly proud of your accomplishments. Keep us updated! And, thanks for the shout out. We are glad we were / are able to help you be successful.


RC Recognized as a Top Liberal Arts School Based on Professor Rankings

Does the title say it all when it come to Roanoke College?   “Accessible & Approachable Professors” Check out the news article here: http://www.liberalartscolleges.com/rankings/professors/.

There are 6 psychology professors ( 3 male, 3 female, and one staff member – our miracle working secretary) in the photo below; can you find them? The rest of those lovely faces are our students who could make it to this particular photo shoot! You have to love those GET PSYCHED shirts. They really capture our persona as a community.




277 Buturla 3 277 Buturla 2277 Buturla

These photos, taken by Stephanie Buturla, were a part of Dr. Nichols’s INQ 277 May term titled “Exploring Vision Through the Eye of the Lens”.

This class utilized the digital camera as both a metaphor for the human eye and as a tool to create photographic representations of principles of human vision.  Cameras and the human eye were compared and contrasted in order to better understand both. Mechanisms of human visual perception, such as color vision, depth perception, and motion perception, were discussed in lecture format and then assignments carried out wherein students take purposeful photographs to illuminate the discussion topics.  The idea is that application through photography of principles discussed in relation to human vision, i.e. how we sense and perceive the world, may give us a better understanding of how and why the human vision system works the way it does.  Photographic expeditions were done both around campus and as part of full day trips.


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These photos, taken by Gaby Ghosn, were a part of Dr. Nichols’s INQ 277 May term titled “Exploring Vision Through the Eye of the Lens”.

This class utilized the digital camera as both a metaphor for the human eye and as a tool to create photographic representations of principles of human vision.  Cameras and the human eye were compared and contrasted in order to better understand both. Mechanisms of human visual perception, such as color vision, depth perception, and motion perception, were discussed in lecture format and then assignments carried out wherein students take purposeful photographs to illuminate the discussion topics.  The idea is that application through photography of principles discussed in relation to human vision, i.e. how we sense and perceive the world, may give us a better understanding of how and why the human vision system works the way it does.  Photographic expeditions were done both around campus and as part of full day trips.

Dr. Nichol’s INQ 277: Experiencing Vision

Nichols Nichols1


These photos, taken by Kristen Macquire, were a part of Dr. Nichol’s INQ 277 May term titled “Exploring Vision Through the Eye of the Lens”.

This class utilized the digital camera as both a metaphor for the human eye and as a tool to create photographic representations of principles of human vision.  Cameras and the human eye were compared and contrasted in order to better understand both. Mechanisms of human visual perception, such as color vision, depth perception, and motion perception, were discussed in lecture format and then assignments carried out wherein students take purposeful photographs to illuminate the discussion topics.  The idea is that application through photography of principles discussed in relation to human vision, i.e. how we sense and perceive the world, may give us a better understanding of how and why the human vision system works the way it does.  Photographic expeditions were done both around campus and as part of full day trips.

The Princeton Review’s Best 380 Colleges

roanokecollegeSalem, Va. – The Princeton Review has named Roanoke College one of the best colleges in the United States for the fifth year in a row. In addition, Roanoke was named a great school for students who major in business/finance, computer science and psychology.

According to the Princeton Review survey, students say Roanoke has great career services, a great library and happy students.

“Princeton Review is a student voice among the rating systems,” Roanoke College President Michael Maxey said.   “We are excited that the voices of students at Roanoke praise our balance of ‘comfort and challenge.’  We help students find what they love to do through equal measures of support and challenge.”

“Every college in our book has outstanding academics,” said Robert Franek, Princeton Review’s senior vice president-publisher. “Our goal is to help applicants choose and get into their dream college—the college best for them.”

 Follow Roanoke College on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For additional information, call the Roanoke College Public Relations Office at (540) 375-2282.

Members of the media, please note the new location of Roanoke College news on the new Roanoke.edu site: Roanoke.edu/about/news.

Coleen Weber Briggs in a School Counseling program

ColeenColeen (Weber) Briggs B.S. in Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience, class of 2013, has started graduate work in a Masters of School Counseling program at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, NC. Coleen aspires to complete her program in May 2017 with a 4.0 GPA average with the goal of eventually completing a Ph.D in either Developmental Psychology or Neuroscience.
“I enjoy psychology both from a scientific and social standpoint, primarily because it has allowed me to understand my own personal needs and the needs of those around me with greater clarity. Further, my studies in both psychology and neuroscience have given me the tools necessary to handle crises and to better work with the public. It is my hope that I can utilize my skills first in a school setting as a counselor, then in the future as a school psychologist or a neurological specialist. I encourage any students who view the psychology field from a scientific perspective to take advantage of the neuroscience program.”
Coleen took advantage of a couple of years off to explore her interests and talents, and it paid off. Not everyone has to go to graduate school right out of undergraduate.

Good work Coleen!  We are proud of you.

Spencer Munro set to finish summer-long Journey of Hope ride.

11063844_10154081984813989_3052889282999895110_nWe’ll let Spencer,BA in Psychology class of 2014, describe it himself: “Journey of Hope is a cross country cycling trip across three different routes that raise money and awareness for people with disabilities. This event is one of many hosted by Pi Kappa Phi’s philanthropy, The Ability Experience. I worked as the Logistics Coordinator for the South Route of Journey of Hope where I was in charge of organizing the entirety of the trip and overseeing the safety of the team of thirty-six. Daily, we would meet with organizations that worked with people with different ability backgrounds. These “friendship visits” would serve as not only our inspiration to continue on the trip after hard days but as opportunities for us to create amazing memories with equally amazing individuals.
My educational pursuit was fueled by my passion to find a career where I can serve others. My time at Roanoke College benefited me greatly with my post graduate internship with The Ability Experience. Firstly, my research skills that I got from seminar allowed me to research and recruit several new organizational sponsors allowing for dozens of new first time visits. Secondly, my understanding of physical and developmental disorders allowed me to educate the cyclists so we could gain a stronger empathy to the many individuals we met.
I wish I could explain just how exactly incredible this summer has been. Every day on this trip was filled with memories I’ll cherish forever. Seeing the smiles on the client’s faces during baseball games, karaoke sessions, pool parties and all of the other events made every hardship seem so insignificant. I’m forever grateful for this opportunity that was available to me because of my time at Roanoke College.”

We are proud of you, Spencer!

Hazel Smitson completes Master’s degree

Hazel Smitson and Devin DobynsHazel Smitson (B.S in Psychology with concentration in Neuroscience, 2013 cum laude) completed her master’s degree at the University of Indianapolis this July. Her degree is in Clinical Psychology with a track in mental health counseling. She will be working as an outpatient therapist at Meridian Health Services in Muncie, Indiana. Hazel looks forward to (finally) working with people as a therapist. We are very happy for her!

Featured Alum: Yuki Yamazaki

Alumna Yuki Yamazaki (’13) recently graduated from Columbia University Teachers College after earning her Ed.M. & M.A. in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Mental Health Counseling.

Since graduation, Yuki has started working as a Field Researcher for the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development in their Housing and Neighborhood Study which looks at how housing, communities, and neighborhoods impact individual New Yorkers health- physical, mental, and emotional- as well as overall wellbeing.

Yuki would like to also thank the Roanoke Psychology Dept for their unwavering support, listening ear, and unnerving dance abilities through all of the milestones she’s completed so far.



Living & Working Abroad Post-Graduation

katy antigua

Katy Hurst (B.S., Psychology, 2013) spent the past two years living in Antigua, Guatemala where she worked at the newly established Antigua International School (AIS). AIS is a college preparatory K-12 school that serves nearly 200 students from diverse cultural, linguistic, and ethnic backgrounds. It is the first school of its kind in Guatemala, combining a world-class, internationally accredited education with an unprecedented financial aid program and curriculum centered around service. Katy’s role in the school was as both an Admissions and Development Officer. As part of the development team, Katy worked to procure the funds for the scholarship program that served 50% of the student population including many students from rural villages. She also helped to establish the school’s admissions process and policies and especially enjoyed using her psychology background to assess social, emotional, and academic readiness to ensure that each student was placed in an environment in which he or she could thrive. Katy loved watching students develop a new language and experience learning on deeper levels than ever before. She will most certainly draw on this experience as she begins work on her Master of Education degree in Human Development Counseling at Vanderbilt University next fall.

Katy Hurst to Attend Vanderbilt University



Upon completion of her Bachelor’s of Science in 2013, Roanoke alumna Katy Hurst spent two years living and working in Antigua, Guatemala. During her time abroad, she reflected on her studies at Roanoke and the academic opportunities that lay ahead. After completing her graduate school application and interview process from abroad, Katy decided to pursue a M.Ed. in Human Development Counseling (School Counseling track) at Vanderbilt University. The program is unique in its focus on mental health, college, and job access counseling through the lens of human development.

Katy’s interest in education, human development, and counseling was honed in her undergraduate years, especially through Roanoke’s child and adolescent development courses and the “Counseling and Psychotherapy” Mayterm. Katy will also draw from her undergraduate research experience as she works as a research assistant in Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of Education. Additionally, she was selected to receive the Dean’s Tuition Scholarship award and has accepted an assistantship where she will be working on a special education project. She is looking forward to taking advantage of all this next step has to offer.

Recognizing Graduating Seniors: Mackenzie Slater



‘Mackenzie states that she “may have not known what I was doing sometimes in my life while at Roanoke College,” but whatever it was “tried my best to do very well.”  She likes the quote from Abraham Lincoln:  “Whatever you are, be a good one.”

Post-Graduation Plans:  Mackenzie plans to attend VCU’s MSW program for the Fall of 2015.   She wants to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and work within a hospital or VA setting.

Relevant Information:  Mackenzie finished Roanoke as a Psychology major and a Spanish minor.   She is a member of the following Chi Omega Fraternity, Psi Chi, Xi Theta Chi, and Sigma Delta Pi.’


Congratulations Mackenzie!

Congratulations Dr. Early on your coming retirement!

chuck and pie


Congratulations Dr. Early on your retirement! We will all miss you greatly!

The following is the resolution read at the last faculty meeting for Dr. Charles Early:

We the members of the faculty, staff and Trustees of Roanoke College rise to give tribute to and offer the following resolution honoring Dr. Charles Edgar Early, Professor of Psychology, for his long and distinguished service of 27 years to the Department of Psychology, to thousands of his students and to the entire Roanoke
College community.

Whereas, seeing little usefulness in dropping nuclear weapons on our foes, Chuck wisely decided that using psychology to communicate with the enemy and feeling their pain would be a better approach. Thus, he resigned from the Air Force and
began to pursue graduate studies in psychology. It is wise to remember he served as a Major in the U.S. Air Force as a ground traffic controller of fighter jets and also maintained nuclear targeting dossiers on the locations of various Soviet Generals,
and he earned his black belt in Tae Kwan Do style karate in Korea therefore it may be best we not get on the black-list he might still maintain.

Whereas, Chuck earned many academic degrees culminating in a Ph.D. from Penn State and attended the Air Command Intelligence School twice, we can be certain that he is indeed, by Air force and any other standard, intelligent.

Whereas, after Chuck relinquished his position as chair after years of distinguished service, his successor Dr. Ronda Carpenter referred to him as her first officer in the administration of the department. He has maintained this capacity as a fountain of administrative wisdom to all subsequent chairs of our department. His wise counsel
will be missed.

Whereas, Chuck’ history of psychology course has been recognized as a tough rite of passage for majors, it has spurred students to nominate him for the College-wide teaching award. He has led many students to succeed because he believed in them.  His advising success is a model for others in the department. Chuck is clearly well loved by his students who gave him an A+ rating on RateMyProfessor.com. They also awarded him a hubba-hubba chili pepper and likened him to Richard Gere.

Whereas, Chuck has been a life-long aficionado of the writings of Edgar Rice Burroughs, we hope that he can make use of a portion of his retirement to explore the curious psychology of the feral child Earl John Clayton Greystoke, AKA “Tarzan.” Another interest of Chuck’s is amateur astronomy, and he has attended several
annual Texas Star Parties near Fort Davis, Texas, in the fantastically dark skies where the light from the Milky Way casts your shadow on the ground. We wish him many dark and clear skies in future Texas Star Party events.

Whereas, Chuck still works out even now at retirement age, can do chin-ups and out bench press weights not achievable by the majority of RC campus’ student body, faculty and staff. We wish him continued good health and physical strength to endure the rigors of retirement. We also hope he will send us “selfies”.

Whereas, Chuck is legendary as the person who never skipped desserts, it is known that his very favorite pie flavor of all time is Apple, Peach, Cherry, Pumpkin and Blueberry. Peanut butter pie need not apply. He and a former colleague, coined the term “piece-let” to refer to small slices of pie or cake that would reasonably be
conjoined into a “piece” of dessert. In fact, Chuck has used his conditioning techniques, taught in learning, to ensure that any department member who attends Commons lunch uses their carryout item as a dessert for Chuck when we are not
graced with his lunchtime presence.

Whereas, he retains his classic comic book collection, we hope that these increase in value over the years comparably to the original Superman comic book was recently auctioned at eBay for 3.2 million dollars. These can accompany his collection of over 3000 significant books in his hand-made beautiful bookcases in his living room and office.

Whereas, Chuck is the model of a Renaissance man who has taught 20 different courses, written a book, published 22 papers, 16 reviews of chapters or books, and made 49 significant presentations and co-editing of a massive “Pictorial history of Psychology.” Now that Chuck plans to move to the Savannah, GA area to be nearer
his daughter, a successful Roanoke College alumna, we reveal that one unit of the bookcases in his home office swings aside to reveal a secret room. Dr. Pranzarone has been sworn not to reveal what Chuck kept in this formerly secret room, so it is incumbent upon friends of Chuck to communicate with him frequently if they hope
that this information be divulged. We suspect superhero powers are at play.

Whereas, it is noted that while Charles is retiring, suspiciously coincident with the retirement of his colleague Dr. Jan H Lynch, we will no longer see that they quite frequently departed the department at the same time arm-in-arm. Rumors will now
cease as they are separated to divergent parts of the United States.
Whereas, Chuck is often looked to for guidance, wisdom, and calm; we will use key quotes of his to keep his spirit alive in the department: “Students are our motivation.” and “We are first and foremost a teaching college; let us not forget.”

Whereas, we all here as part of the Roanoke College family have greatly benefited from the friendship, warmth, sincerity, gentle good humor of this tall fellow, be it then resolved that we all wish him health, clear skies and fair weather in his retirement from professorship at Roanoke College; that he be granted long life and
prosperity and that his curiosity and drive for life-long learning never be diminished.

Therefore, it so resolved that these comments be then entered into the official minutes of the Meeting of the Faculty of Roanoke College in gratitude and celebration of the life and career of Dr. Charles Edgar Early.



Band of Professors


Professors Rich Grant (Physics), Mike Maina (Human Health and Performance), and Chris Buchholz (Psychology) will be playing covers from the 60’s to current hits at Parkway Brewing Co. Thursday April 23rd from 4:00-8:00pm.

Check them out at https://www.facebook.com/buc9d9


SYNAPSE Conference 2015

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Dr. Nichols, Dr. Allen, and Dr. Shenal assisted students in neuroscience-based research and a few of those students got to present their findings at the SYNAPSE conference! They went to the University of North Carolina at Asheville and represented Roanoke College.

Jacob Johnson, Christy Blevins, and Dr. Nichols presented on exploring the individual factors of temporal processing and the variability of the internal clock.

[Johnson, J., Blevins, B., & Nichols, D.F. (2015, March). Exploring the individual factors of temporal processing and the variability of the internal clock. Poster presented at the SYNAPSE conference, Asheville, NC.]

Charis Flamburis, The Goodtimes Project

Charis Flamburis 2015


Charis Flamburis ’15 was accepted as a counselor at The Goodtimes Project! How exciting!

“Each year over 13,000 children in the US are diagnosed with cancer. Camp Goodtimes was established in 1984 to provide a no cost camp environment for children affected by cancer where they can recapture the joys of childhood.”

Learn more about the project here: http://www.thegoodtimesproject.org/

SYNAPSE Conference 2015

image4Dr. Nichols, Dr. Allen, and Dr. Shenal assisted students in neuroscience-based research and a few of those students got to present their findings at the SYNAPSE conference! They went to the University of North Carolina at Asheville and represented Roanoke College.

Alex Grant, Nataniel De Young, and Dr. Shenal worked on a comparison between QOL in TBI and Memory Disorder Clinics.

[Grant, A., De Young, N., & Shenal, B. (2015, March). A comparison between QOL in TBI and Memory Disorder Clinics. Poster presented at the SYNAPSE conference, Asheville, NC.]